The things which break wudu' are:

passing wind
deep sleep
touching the sexual organs
sexual contact
loss of consciousness

If you are in doubt about
your wudu' you do it again

You must be in wudu' to say the prayer or touch an Arabic Qur'an.
Always take water with the right hand.
Do not be extravagant with it even if there is a lot.
Be quick but thorough.
After urinating or defecating the private parts should be
thoroughly cleansed with water from any traces of urine
and faeces in order for your wudu' to be valid.


If there is no water, or using water would be harmful
to your health, you do tayammum.
Make a specific intention to purify yourself by doing tayammum
for the prayer you are about to perform. Say: BISMILLAH.
Pat the bare earth firmly with both hands.
Blow off any excess dust.
Wipe your face thoroughly with both hands.
Pat the earth again.
Wipe the hands and forearms to the elbows once,
first right then left.
Raise the forefinger of the right hand and say the shahada.
Tayammum may also be done using a flat stone instead of dry earth.
Tayammum is the same as wudu' except that tayammum
must be done immediately before each obligatory prayer.


Certain things necessitate the washing of the whole body.
They are:
male seminal discharge
sexual intercourse
the end of menstruation
the end of lochia bleeding
after childbirth
First you make the intention to purify the whole body
and say: BISMILLAH.
Then wash the private parts.
Then do wudu'.
Then wash your head and neck three times,
making sure that water penetrates to the roots
of the hair and beard.
Then wash the right side of the body, then the left,
then the right leg, then the left.
Every part of the body must be rubbed with water.
After you finish, raise the forefinger of the right hand
and say the Shahada.
If a ghusl is required, you must do it before the next obligatory prayer.
If that is impossible, then purify yourself with tayammum for the prayer
until you are able to do ghusl.
Other times that it is recommended to do ghusl are
on becoming a Muslim and before the Jumu'a prayer.

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