The Seventh Hizb on Sunday

[I ask You] to bless him and his family in quantity as great as whoever glorifies You, sanctifies You, prostrates to You and exalts You from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as the number of years in which You created them from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as the running clouds, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as the driving winds from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as what the winds blow upon and move of branches, trees, leaves of fruits and flowers, and in quantity as great as what You created on the ground of Your earth and what is between Your heavens from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as the waves of Your seas from the day You created the earth until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as the sand, and pebbles and every stone and the clay of Your creation in the eastern and western parts of the earth, its plains, mountains and valleys from the Day You created the earth until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as the plants of the earth in the north and south, east and west, the mountains and plains and the trees, fruits, leaves, crops and all that You bring forth and what You do not bring forth from it of its plants and blessings from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as what you created of men, jinn shaytans, and what You create of them until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as every hair on their bodies, faces and on their heads since You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as their breaths, phrases and glances from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as the number of the flights of the jinn and every human heartbeat from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as the animals You created on Your earth, both small and large, in the eastern parts of the earth and the western parts, those which known and those which are only known by You from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as whoever blessed him and in quantity as great as whoever did not bless him and whoever will bless him until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as the living and the dead, and in quantity as great as what You created of fish, birds, bees, ants and insects, to bless him and his family in the night when it darkens and the day when it brightens, to bless him and his family in the Last World and the First, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as since the time he was a baby in the cradle until he became a mature middle-aged man when You took him to You as one who was pleasing and equitable so that You could raise him up as an intercessor, to bless him and his family in quantity as great Your creation. Your pleasure, the weight of Your Throne and the ink of Your words, and that You give him the means of mediation, excellence, high rank and the visited watering-place, the Praiseworthy Station and extensive might, and that You exalt his proof, honour his stature, and elevate his place, and O Master, that You make us act by his sunna, make us die in his community, gather us in his company under his banner, make us among his comrades, bring us to his water-basin, let us drink from his cup, and let us benefit through his love. Turn to us, remove from us all trials, affliction and temptations whether outward or hidden, have mercy on us, pardon us, and forgive us and all the believers, men and women, and the Muslims, men and women, the living and the dead. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, He is enough for me and the best of Guardians, and there is no power nor strength except with Allah, the High, the Great.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as long as the pigeons coo, thirsty animals circle water, wild beasts roam, amulets have benefit, turbans are wound and those who sleep sleep.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as long as the morning is bright, the winds blow, shades spread, morning and evening alternate, armour is put on, spears are held, and bodies and souls are healthy.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as long as the spheres revolve, darkness is black and the angels glorify.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as You blessed our master Ibrahim and give blessing to our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as You gave blessings to our master Ibrahim in the worlds, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as long as the sun rises, the five prayers are prayed, as long as lightening flashes, violent rain pours down, and as long thunder glorifies.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad with the capacity of the heavens and earth and what is between them and with the capacity of whatever You wish after that.

O Allah, as he undertook the burden of the Message, delivered creation from ignorance, did jihad against the people of kufr and misguidance, called to Your tawhid and endured hardships in guiding Your slaves, give him, O Allah, what he asks for, let him reach his desire, give him the means of intercession, excellence and the high rank, and raise him up to the Praiseworthy Station which You promised him. You do not fail Your promise.

O Allah, make us among those who follow his Shari'a, described with love of him, guided by his guidance and life, let us die following his sunna, do not forbid us the favour of his intercession, and gather us among his glorious, radiant followers, his party of forerunners, and the companions of the right, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.

O Allah, bless Your angels and the near angels, Your Prophets and Messengers, and all the people who obey You, and make us among those to whom mercy has been shown by praying for them.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad who was sent from Tihama, commanding the good and uprightness, the intercessor for the people of sins in the courtyards of the Resurrection.

O Allah, convey the best of blessings and peace from us to our Prophet, intercessor and beloved raise him up to the praiseworthy noble station, and give him the means of mediation excellence, and the high rank which You promised him in the mighty place of standing, and, O Allah, bless him with a constant continual blessing which continues and lasts.

O Allah, bless him and his family as long as lightning flashes, light spreads from the east, the darkness gathers and rain pours down, and bless him and his family with the capacity of the Tablet and Space and like the stars of the heaven and in quantity as great as the drops of rain and pebbles, and bless him and his family with a blessing which cannot be counted or enumerated.

O Allah, bless him by the weight of Your Throne, the scope of Your pleasure, the ink of Your words and the limit of Your mercy.

O Allah, bless him and his family, his wives and his progeny and grant blessings to him and his family, wives and progeny as You blessed and granted blessings to our master Ibrahim and the family of our master Ibrahim, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. Recompense him from us with the best of that with which You have recompensed a Prophet from his community, and make us among those guided by the path of his Shari'a, guide us with his guidance, let us die in his community, gather us among the faithful in his company on the Day of the Greatest Terror, and let us die with love of him and love of his family, Companions and descendants.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the best of Your Prophets, most noble of Your pure friends, Imam of Your awliya', the Seal of Your Prophets, the beloved of the Lord of the worlds, the witness of the Messengers, the intercessor for the sinners, the master of all of the sons of Adam, he whose mention is raised among the near angels, the bringer of good tidings, the warner, the light-giving lamp, the truthful trustworthy one, the clear truth, the compassionate, the merciful, the guide to the Straight Path to whom You gave the Seven Mathani and the Mighty Qur'an, the Prophet of Mercy, the Guide of the Community, the first from whom the earth will slip so that he enters the Garden, he who was supported by our master Jibril and our master Mika'il, news of whom was given in the Torah and Gospel, the Chosen, the Selected, the Elect, Abu'l-Qasim Muhammad ibn 'Abdullah ibn 'Abdul-Muttalib ibn Hashim.

O Allah, bless the angels and the near angels who glorify night and day and do not slacken or disobey Allah in what He has commanded them and do what He commands.

O Allah, as You chose them as messengers to Your Messengers, guardians of Your revelation and witnesses over Your creation, rent the folds of Your veils for them, revealed to them the hidden portion of Your Unseen, chose the treasure of Your Garden ands the bearers of Your Throne from among them, made them among the most of Your soldiers, preferred them over mankind, made them to dwell in the highest heavens, preserved them from disobedience and baseness, and made them pure of shortcomings and imperfections, so bless them with a constant prayer by which they are increased in bounty, and make us deserving of their seeking pardon by it.

O Allah, bless all Your Prophets and Messengers whose hearts You expanded, to whom You gave Your wisdom, empowered with Your prophethood, to whom You revealed Your Books, by whom You guided Your creation, who called to Your tawhid, who yearning for Your promise and feared Your Threat, who guided to Your path, established Your proof and evidence, and grant them peace, O Allah, and give us a mighty reward for our prayer on them.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad with a constant acceptable blessing by which the mighty right which is due him is fulfilled.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the possessor of goodness, beauty, splendour, perfection, radiance, light, youths and houris, chambers and castles, the thankful tongue, thankful heart, famous knowledge, victorious army, sons and daughters, pure wives, exaltedness in the ranks, Zamzam, the Maqam, Mash'ar al-Haram, avoidance of sins, rearing of orphans, the Hajj, recitation of the Qur'an, glorification of the All-Merciful, fasting Ramadan, the banner, nobility and generosity, fidelity to covenants, the possessor of desire and stimulation of desire, the owner of the female mule and noble she-camel, owner of the water-basin and the staff, the frequently repenting Prophet, articulating right conduct described in the Book, the Prophet and slave of Allah, the Prophet, the treasure of Allah, the Prophet, the proof of Allah, the Prophet such that whoever obeys him has obeyed Allah, and whoever disobeys him has disobeyed Allah, the Arabic Qurayshi Prophet of Zamzam, Makka, and Tihama, the possessor of the beautiful face, kohled eye and smooth cheek, and Kawthar and Salsabil, the conqueror of adversaries, destroyer of the unbelievers, slayer of the idolaters, the leader of the radiant, glorious ones to the Gardens of bliss and the proximity of the Noble, the companion of our master Jibril, peace be upon him, the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds, the intercessor of wrongdoers even if they reach the clouds, the lamp of the darkness, the full moon, may Allah bless him and his family, chosen from the purest nature with a constant prayer for eternity without vanishing.

May Allah bless him and his family by which his state of delight is renewed and by which his raising and gathering are honoured in the Promise. Bless him and his family, the ascendant stars, with a prayer which bestows liberally on them the best of abundant rains. He sent him from the most balanced of the Arabs, the clearest in proof, most eloquent of tongue, loftiest in faith, highest in station, sweetest in words, most complete in fulfilling rights, and purest in aversion. He made the Path clear, counselled creation, made Islam known, broke the idols, manifested judgements, forbade the haram, and spread blessings. May Allah bless him and his family in every assembly and station with the best of blessings and peace, and bless him and his family over and over again with a blessing that is treasure and a watering place (wird). May Allah bless him and his family with a complete pure prayer, may Allah bless him and his family with a blessing which is followed by a gentle wind of relief and the aroma of sweet basil, and followed by pardon and pleasure. May Allah bless the best one whose source is good and glory is exalted, and by the light of whose brow the moons are illuminated , and the clouds and seas seem small next to the generosity of his right hand, our master Muhammad, our Prophet, by the radiance of whose signs the ravines and highlands were given light, and by the miracles of his signs the Book was articulated and transmissions came down. May Allah bless him and his family and companions who did hijra in order to help him and they aided him in his hijra. How excellent are the Muhajirun and the Ansar! (Bless him) with a constant growing blessing as long as birds coo in their nests and abundant rains pour down their downpour, and may Allah redouble his constant blessings on him.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and his good and noble family, with a constant continual blessing lasting as long as the Master of Majesty and Nobility.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad who is the Qutb of Majesty, the sun of prophethood and the message, Guide from error, and the one who delivers from ignorance, may Allah bless him and grant him peace with a constant blessing continuing and succeeding with the alternation of days and nights.

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