The Eighth Hizb on Monday

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the ascetic Prophet, the Messenger of the Eternal King , the One. May Allah bless him and grant him peace with a blessing lasting until the end of eternity without interruption or depletion, a prayer by which we are saved from the heat of Jahannam, the worst resting-place.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the unlettered Prophet, and his family and grant them peace with a blessing which cannot be counted nor scope counted.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad with a blessing which ennobles his place of abode and on the Day of Resurrection brings pleasure with his intercession.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the Prophet of pure origin, the noble master who brought inspiration and revelation, clarified the elucidation of interpretation, and to whom the trusty Jibril, peace be upon him, brought nobility and preference, and whom the Glorious King conveyed in the long jet-black night, and so disclosed to him the highest of the Malakut and showed him the glory of the Jabarut, and he looked at the power of the Living, the Enduring, the Lasting who never dies. May Allah bless him and grant him peace with a blessing accompanied by beauty, goodness, perfection, blessing and bounty.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the drops of rain, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the leaves of the trees, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the foam of the seas, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the rivers, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the sand of the deserts and wastelands, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the weight of the mountains and rocks, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the inhabitants of the Garden and the inhabitants of the Fire, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the righteous and the dissolute, and bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the alternation of day and night.

O Allah, make our prayer on him a veil from the punishment of the Fire and a reason for permission to enter the Abode of Repose. You are the Almighty, the Forgiving. May Allah bless our master Muhammad and his good family, blessed descendants, noble Companions and his wives, the Mothers of the Believers with a continual blessing which repeats itself until the Day of Repayment.

O Allah, bless the lord of the righteous, and the adornment of the good Messengers and the noblest of whomever the darkens and day brightens. (3 times)

O Allah, O Possessor of favour whose graciousness cannot be equalled and generosity whose blessing and kindness cannot be repaid, we ask You by Yourself, and we do not ask by other than You, to loosen our tongues in asking, grant us righteous deeds, and make us among the faithful on the Day of tremor and earthquake, O Possessor of Might and Majesty! We ask You, O Light of the Light before all types of time, You are the Enduring without passing, the Rich without like, the Holy, the Pure, the High, the Victor Who is not contained by place nor included by time. I ask You by all Your most beautiful Names, and by the greatest of Your Names, noblest with You in rank, most abundant in reward with You, and quickest in response, and by Your hidden, treasured, pure Name, the most Glorious, the Great, the most Great, the Mighty, the Most Mighty which You love and by which You are pleased with whoever calls on You by it, and so You answer his prayer.

O Allah, I ask You by, "There is no god but You, the Loving, Gracious, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, Master of Majesty and Honour, the Knower of the Unseen and the Visible, the Great, the Self-Exalted." I ask You by Your mightiest Name which You answer when You are called up by it, and if You are asked by it, You grant the request. I ask You by Your Name which to whose majesty the powerful are abased, as are kings, beasts of prey, reptiles, and all which You created, O Allah, O Lord, answer my prayer! O You Who possesses might and the Jabarut! O Possessor of the Mulk and the Malakut! O You Who are Living and never dies! Glory be to You, my Lord! How mighty is Your affair and exalted Your place! You are my Lord. O You who is pure in His Jabarut, it is You I desire and You I fear! O Mighty, O Great, O Compeller, O Powerful, O Strong! You are blessed, O Mighty. You are self-exalted, O Knower. Glory be to You, O Immense! Glory be to You! O Majestic! I ask You by Your complete mighty great Name that You do not give power over us to any stubborn tyrant, any rebellious shaytan, any envious man, any weak or strong among Your creation, any righteous or the dissolute, slave, or stubborn one.

O Allah, I ask You, and I testify that You are Allah. There is no god except You, the One, the Unique, the Eternal who did not beget nor was He begotten and there is no equal to Him. O He! O He of whom there is no He except Him, O One who there is no god except Him, O Post-eternal, O Pre-eternal, O Very Ancient, O Lasting, O He Who is the Living Who never dies, O our God and the God of everything Who is one God, and there is no god except You.

O Allah, Creator of the heavens and the earth, Knower of the Unseen and Visible, the All-Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Living, the Self-Sustaining, the Judge, the Loving, the Generous, the Raiser, the Inheritor, the Master of Majesty and Nobility, who has control over the hearts of the creatures, You cultivate good in their hearts and efface evil from them when You wish.

So I ask You, O Allah, to efface everything You dislike from my heart and to fill my heart with fear of You, Your gnosis, dread of You, desire for what is with You, security and well-being. Incline to us with mercy and baraka from You, and inspire us with right action and wisdom.

O Allah, we ask You for the knowledge of the fearful, repentance of the humble, sincerity of the certain, the gratitude of the patient and the repentance of the truthful.

O Allah, we ask You by the light of Your face which fills the corners of Your Throne, to cultivate Your gnosis in my heart until I know You with the truth of gnosis as one must know You by it, and may Allah bless our master Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets and the Imam of the Messengers, and his family and companions and grant them peace. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. He is not enough for us and the best Protector and there is no power nor strength except by Allah, the High, the Immense.

Supplication which is recited at the End of Dala'il al-Khayrat

O Allah, forgive us and our parents and the author of this book. Show mercy to us and show mercy to them. Gather us and them in the company of the Prophets and the true on the Day of Rising by Your favour, O All-Merciful.

O Allah, bless the Master of the Devout, the Adornment of the best Messengers, and the noblest of those over whom the night is dark and the day shines.

O Allah, bless the full moon.

O Allah, bless the light of the darkness.

O Allah, bless the Key of the Abode of Peace.

O Allah, bless the intercessor for all people.

I wrote my book before I articulated my thoughts

and said to my heart, "You have the best knowledge of yearning."

Convey my greeting, O book of mine, and tell them:

"Your position with me is precious and honoured."

O mercy of Allah, I am full of fear.

O blessing of Allah, I bankrupt, so help me!

I have no actions with which to meet the All-Knowing

other than immense love of you and my faith.

Be my hope against the evil of life

and the evil of death and the burning of my body.

Be my wealth after which there is no bankruptcy

and be my release from the fetters of my disobedience.

May the greeting of the Eternal Master and His mercy

for as long as birds sing in the leaves of the boughs

Be upon you, O my firmest handhold, O my most faithful support,

you whose praise is my rest and delight.

Glory be to Your Lord, the Lord of Might, above what they describe and peace be upon the Messengers. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

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