The Sixth Hizb on Saturday

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad and give him the means of mediation, excellence, and high rank and raise him up to the Praiseworthy Station which You promised him, for You do not fail Your promise.

O Allah, exalt his position, clarify his proof, make his proof radiant, and make his excellence clear, accept his intercession for his community and make us act by his sunna, O Lord of the Worlds, O Lord of the Mighty Throne.

O Allah, O Lord, gather us in his party and under his banner and let us to drink from his cup and let us benefit by his love, Amen, O Lord of the worlds.

O Allah, O Lord, convey to him from us the best peace and reward him from us with the best of what you reward the Prophet with from his community, O Lord of the worlds.

O Allah, O Lord, I ask You to forgive me, have mercy on me, turn to me and remove from me all trials and afflictions coming from the earth and descending from the sky, You have power over all things by Your mercy. I ask You to forgive the believers, men and women, and the Muslims, men and women, the living and the dead. May Allah be pleased with his pure wives, the Mothers of the Believers, and may Allah be pleased with his Companions, the waymarkers, the imams of guidance and the lamps of this world, and with the Tabi'un and the generation after the Tabi'un, with the best until the Day of Resurrection, and praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

Beginning of the Third Third

O Allah, Lord of the souls and the mortal bodies, I ask You by the obedience of the souls returning to their bodies, by the obedience of the bodies cohering together by their veins, by Your words which act on them and Your taking of Your rights from them while creatures before You await the decision of Your decree, hoping for Your mercy and fearing Your punishment, (by all this I ask You) to put light in my eye, and Your dhikr on my tongue by night and day and provide me with good deeds.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad as You blessed our master Ibrahim and give blessings to our master Muhammad as You gave blessings to our master Ibrahim.

O Allah, grant Your blessings and barakat to our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as You granted them to our master Ibrahim and the family of our master Ibrahim, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. Bestow blessings on our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as You bestowed blessings on our master Ibrahim and the family of our master Ibrahim, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, Your slave and Messenger, and bless the believers, men and women, and the Muslims, men and women.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and his family in quantity as great as what Your knowledge contains and Your Book encompasses and what Your angels witness with a constant prayer lasting as long as the Kingdom of Allah.

O Allah, I ask You by Your Mighty Names, what I know of them and what I do not know, and by the Names which you have called Yourself, those of them I know and those I do not know, that You bless our master Muhammad, Your slave and Prophet and Messenger in quantity as great as what You created before the sky was set up, the earth spread out, the mountains anchored, the fountains gushed forth, the rivers flowed, the sun gave light, the moon shone, the stars were luminous, the seas flowed and the trees gave fruit.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as Your knowledge, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as Your forbearance, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as Your words, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as Your blessing, and bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as Your favour, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as Your Generosity, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as Your heavens, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as Your earth, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what Your created in Your seven heavens of Your angels, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what You created in Your earth of the jinn and men and other than them of wild beasts and birds and others, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what the pen writes in the knowledge of Your Unseen and what it writes until the Day of Resurrection, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the drops of rain and the rain, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as whoever praises You, thanks You and says la ilaha illa'llah, glorifies You and testifies that You are Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what You and Your angels bless him with, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as whoever blesses him from Your creation, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as whoever does not bless him for Your creation, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the mountains, the sand and the pebbles, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the mountains and the sand and the pebbles, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the trees and their leaves and the mud and its weight, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as every year and what You create in it and what dies in it, and bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what You create in it and what dies in it until the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the clouds running between the heaven and earth and what it rains down of water, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the winds contained in the eastern and western parts of the earth, and the north and south, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the stars of the heavens, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what You created in Your seas of fish, animals, waters, sand and other than that, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the plants and the pebbles, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the ants, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the sweet waters, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the salty waters, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as Your blessing on all of Your creation, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as Your revenge and Your punishment on whoever disbelieves in our master Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, bless our master Muhammad for as long as this world and the Next last, bless our master Muhammad for long as long as creatures remain in the Garden, bless our master Muhammad for long as great as creatures remain in the Fire, bless our master Muhammad according to what You love and what pleases You, and bless our master Muhammad for the post-eternity of post-eternities, grant him the near rank with You, and give him the means of mediation, excellence, intercession, high degree and the Praiseworthy Station which You promised him. You do not fail Your promise.

O Allah, I ask You in as much as You are my Ruler, Lord and Master, my trust and my hope, and I ask You by the sanctity of the sacred month, Sacred Land, station of Muzdalifa and the tomb of Your prophet, peace be upon him, that You grant me something of the good which no one has knowledge of except You and turn evil aside from me of which none has knowledge except You.

O Allah, Who gave Shith to Adam, Isma'il and Ishaq to Ibrahim, and returned Yusuf to Ya'qub, You Who lifted affliction from Ayyub, returned Musa to his mother, You Who increased al-Khidr in knowledge, You Who gave Sulayman to Dawud, Yahya to Zakariyya, and 'Isa to Maryam and You Who protected the daughter of Shu'ayb, I ask You to bless our master Muhammad and all the Prophets and Messengers. You Who gave our master Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, intercession and high rank, I ask You to forgive me my sins, veil all my faults for me, protect me from the Fire, grant me Your pleasure, protection, pardon, and benevolence, and to let me enjoy Your Garden with those on whom You have bestowed blessings among the Prophets, the true, the martyrs, and the righteous. You have power over all things. And may Allah bless our master Muhammad and his family as long as the winds move the piled up clouds and everyone with a soul tastes death, and may He send peace to the people of peace in the abode of peace with greetings and peace.

O Allah, set me aside for what You created me for and do not preoccupy me with what You hold me answerable for and do not deprive me when I ask of You. Do not punish me when I ask Your forgiveness.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and his family and grant them peace.

O Allah, I ask of You and turn my face towards You by Your beloved who is Chosen by You. O our beloved, O Muhammad, through You we beseech your Lord, so intercede for us with the Great Master, O most blessed pure Messenger.

O Allah, grant him intercession for us by his rank with You. (3 times)

Make us among the best of those who bless him and pray for peace for him, and among the best of those near to him and coming to him, and among the best of those who love him and are beloved with him, and gladden us with him in the courtyards of the Resurrection, make him a guide for us to the Garden of Bliss without trouble, difficulty or discussion of the account, make him accept us and do not make him angry towards us, and forgive us and our parents and all the Muslims, the living among them and the dead. The end of our prayer is, praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

Beginning of the Fourth Fourth

So I ask You, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Living, O Self-Sustaining, O Lord of Majesty and Generosity! There is no divinity except You. Glory be to You! I am one of the wrongdoers.

I ask You by what Your Footstool supports of Your Sublimity, Majesty, Radiance, Might and Power, by the right of Your pure, hidden, protected, pure Names which none of Your creation is informed of, and by the right of the Name which You placed on the night so that it darkens, on the day so that it gives light, on the heavens so that they are raised up, on the earth so that it is spread out, on the seas so that they flow forth, on the fountains so that they gush forth and on the clouds so that they give rain.

I ask You by the Names which are written on the brow of our master Jibril, peace be upon him, and by the Names which are written on the brow of our master Israfil, peace be upon him, and on all the angels.

I ask You by the names which are written around the Throne and by the Names which are written around the Footstool.

I ask You by Your most mighty sublime Name by which You named Yourself, and I ask You by the right of all Your Names, what I know of them, and what I do not know.

I ask You by the Names by which our master Adam, peace be upon him, called on You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Nuh called upon You, peace be upon him. I ask You by the names by which our master Salih, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Yunus, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Musa, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Harun, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Shu'ayb, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Ibrahim, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Isma'il, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Dawud, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Sulayman, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Zakariyya, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Yahya, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the names by which our master Yusha', peace be upon him, called upon You, I ask You by the Names by which our master al-Khadir, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Ilyas, peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Alyasa', peace be upon him, called upon You. I ask You by the Names by which our master Dhu'l-Kifl, peace be upon him, called upon You, I ask You by the Names by which our master 'Isa, peace be upon him, called upon You.

I ask You by the Names by which our master Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, Your Prophet and Messenger, beloved and pure friend, called upon You, O You whose speech is true who said, "Allah created you and what you do." (37:96) No word, deed, or movement or non-movement issues from any of His slaves but that prior His knowledge, decree and decision already decided how it would be. That is even as You inspired me and decreed that I would compile this book, and made the method and reasons in it easy for me. You removed doubt and uncertainty about this noble Prophet from my heart, and You made my love for him overcome love for all relatives and loved ones.

O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, I ask You to provide me and everyone who loves him and follows with his intercession and friendship on the Day of Reckoning without any disputation, punishment, rebuke or censure. I ask You to forgive my sins and veil my faults, O Giving, O Forgiving.

I ask You to grant me the blessing of looking at Your noble Face among the company of lovers on the Day of Increase and Recompense, accept my deeds from me, forgive me for what Your knowledge encompasses of my errors, forgetfulness and slips, and let me visit his tomb and greet him and his two companions, to achieve my hope by Your grace, favour, generosity and magnanimity, O Compassionate, O Merciful, O Protector!

I ask You to recompense him from me and from all who believe in him and follow him among the Muslims, men and women, living and dead, with the best, most complete and universal of what You have recompensed any of Your creation with, O Strong, O Mighty, O High.

O Allah, I ask You by the right of what I swear by to You to bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what You created before the sky was set up, the earth laid out, the mountains raised, the fountains gushed forth, the seas subjected, the rivers poured forth, the sun shone, the moon gave light and the stars illuminated when no one knows where You were except You.

I ask You to bless him and his family in quantity as great as Your speech, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as the ayats of the Qur'an and its letters, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as whoever blesses him, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as whoever does not bless him, to bless him and his family with what Your earth contains, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as what the Pen writes in the Mother of the Book, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as what You created in Your seven heavens, to bless him and his family in quantity as great as what You created in them until the Day of Resurrection in every day a thousand times, and to bless him and his family in quantity as great as the drops of rain and every drop which falls from Your heaven to Your earth from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day.

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