The Fifth Hizb on Friday

O Allah, I ask You by the names with which our master Adam called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Nuh called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Ibrahim called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Salih called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Yunus called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Ayyub called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Ya'qub called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Yusuf called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Musa called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Harun called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Shu'ayb called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Isma'il called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Dawud called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Sulayman called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Zakariyya called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Yahya called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Armiya' called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Sha'ya' called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Ilyas called You, peace be upon him, and by the names which our master al-Yasa' called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Dhu'l-Kifl called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Yusha' called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master 'Isa ibn Maryam called You, peace be upon him, and by the names by which our master Muhammad called You, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and all the Prophets and Messengers.

I ask that You bless our master Muhammad, Your Prophet in quantity as great as what You created from before the sky was set up, the earth laid out, the mountains anchored, the seas made to flow, the fountains gush forth, the rivers poured forth, the sun made visible, the moon given light, the stars given light, when You were where You were and no one knows where You were except You alone with no partner to You.

O Allah bless our master Muhammad in quantity great as Your forbearance, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as Your knowledge, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as Your words, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as Your blessing, bless our master Muhammad with the capacity of Your heavens and bless Sayyidina Muhammad with the capacity of Your earth, bless our master Muhammad with the capacity of Your Throne, bless our master Muhammad with the weight of Your Throne, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what Your pen writes in the Mother of the Book, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what You created in the seven heavens, and bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what You will create in them until the Day of Resurrection every day a thousand times.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as every drop which falls from Your heavens to Your earth from the day You created the world to the Day of Resurrection on every day a thousand times.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as whoever says 'Subhanallah', 'la ilaha illa'llah', 'Allahu akbar', and exalts You from the day You created the world to the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as their breaths and words and bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as every breath You created in them from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the running clouds and bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the scattering winds from the Day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what the winds blow upon and what they move of branches, trees, leaves and fruits and all that You created on Your earth and what is between Your heavens from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the stars of the heavens from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad the capacity of Your earth from what it carries and lifts up from Your power.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what You created in Your seven seas whose knowledge no one knows except You and what You create in them until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what Your seven seas contain and bless our master Muhammad by the weight of Your seven seas and what they carry and what is lifted up from Your power.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the waves of Your seas from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the sand and the pebbles on the laid out earth, its plains and mountains from the day You created the world until the day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the turbulence of the sweet and salty waters from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day and bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what You created on the surface of Your earth on the stable earths, east and west, its plains, mountains, valleys, paths, populated parts and desolate parts and all of what You created on it and what is in it of pebbles, clay and stones from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the plants of the earth from its qibla, east and west, plains and mountains, valleys, trees, fruits, leaves, crops and all which comes forth from its plants and its blessings from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times every day.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what You created of the jinn, men and shaytans, and what You create of them until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the hairs on their bodies and faces and heads sine You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the fluttering of birds and the flying of jinn and shaytans from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as every beast which You created on the surface of Your earth of small or great in the eastern parts of the earth and the western parts of men and of jinn and of what no one has knowledge of except You from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as their footsteps on the earth from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection a thousand times in every day.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as whoever blesses him and bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as whoever does not bless him and bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as drops of rain, rainfall and plants, and bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as every thing.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in the night when it darkens, bless our master Muhammad in the day when it brightens, bless our master Muhammad in the next abode and the first, bless our master Muhammad as a pure youth, bless our master Muhammad as a pleasing man of maturity, bless our master Muhammad since he was a child in the cradle and bless our master Muhammad until nothing remains of blessing.

O Allah, give our master Muhammad the praiseworthy station which You promised him so that when he speaks, You verify him and when he asks, You grant it to him.

O Allah, exalt his proof, honour his stature, make his proof radiant and make his excellence clear.

O Allah, accept his intercession in his community, make us act by his sunna, make us die in his religion, gather us in his party and under his banner, make us among his comrades, bring us to his water-basin, let us to drink from his cup and let us profit by his love, O Allah, Amin.

I ask You by Your Names by which I called on You, to bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what I have described and from what none knows except You, and that You show mercy to me, turn to me, relieve me of all trials and afflictions, forgive me and my parents, and show mercy to the believers, men and women, and the Muslims, men and women, living and dead, and that You forgive Your slave [so-and-so], full of sin and error, weak, and that You turn to him. You are Forgiving, Merciful. O Allah, Amin, O Lord of the worlds.

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'If anyone recites this prayer once, Allah will write for him the reward of an accepted hajj and the reward of someone who frees a slave from the descendants of Isma'il, peace be upon him." Allah Almighty says, 'O My angels, this is one of My slaves who does much blessing of My beloved, Muhammad, so by My Might, My Majesty, My Generosity, My Glory and My Height, for every letter he prays I will give him a castle in the Garden, and he will come to Me on the Day of Resurrection under the Banner of Praise. The light of his face will be like the full moon and his hand will be in the hand of My beloved, Muhammad." This is for whoever says it every Friday. He has this favour, and Allah possesses great favour.

In one variant: O Allah, I ask You by what Your Throne carries of Your sublimity, power, majesty, radiance and power, and by Your concealed guarded name by which You named Yourself and revealed it in Your Book, and You alone possess it in Your knowledge of the Unseen, that You bless our master Muhammad, Your slave and Messenger, and I ask You by Your name which when You are called by it, You answer, and when You are asked by it, You give. I ask You by the name which You placed over the night so that it darkens and over the day so that it gives light, and over the heavens so that they are set up and over the earth so that it is laid out, and over the mountains so that they are anchored, and over difficulty so there is guidance, and over the contents of the sky so that it is spilled forth, and over the clouds, so that they give rain, and I ask You by what our master Muhammad, Your Prophet, asked You, and I ask You by what our master Adam, Your Prophet, asked You, and I ask You by what Your Prophets, Messengers and near angels asked You, may Allah bless all of them. I ask You by what all the people of Your obedience asked You to bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what You created from before the sky was set up, the earth laid-out, the mountains anchored, the fountains gushed forth, the rivers poured forth, the sun brightened, the moon made to give light and the stars made luminous.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as Your knowledge and bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as Your forbearance and bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what the Preserved Tablet contains of Your knowledge.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what the pen writes in the Mother of the Book which is with You. Bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad with as much as Your heavens contain. and bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad with as much as Your earth contains and bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad with as much as You create from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the ranks of the angels, their glorification, declaring holy, praising, glorification, and saying Allahu Akbar and la ilaha illa'llah from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the running clouds and the scattering winds from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as every drop which falls from Your heavens to Your earth and what falls until the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what the winds blow and what the trees, leaves and the crops move and all that You created in the abode of preservation from the Day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the drops of rain and the rain and the plants from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the stars in the sky from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what You created in Your seven seas of which only You have knowledge and what You create until the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of Sayyidina Muhammad in quantity as great as the sand and pebbles in the eastern and western parts of the earth.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what You created of jinn and men and what You create until the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as their breaths, words and utterances from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah, bless Sayyidina Muhammad and the family of Sayyidina Muhammad in quantity as great as the flying of the jinn and the angels from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the birds and the reptiles and in quantity as great as the wild beasts and hills in the eastern and western parts of the earth.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the living and the dead.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what the night darkens and the day shines on from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what walks on two legs and what walks on four legs from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as whoever blesses him from jinn, men, and angels from the day You created the world until the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as whoever does not bless him.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of Sayyidina Muhammad as he must be blessed.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as one should bless him.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad until nothing remains of blessing.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in the first and bless our master Muhammad in the last.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in the Highest Assembly until the Day of Repayment. Whatever Allah wills. There is no strength save with Allah, the High, the Great.

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