The Fourth Hizb on Thursday

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, Your slave and Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, and the family of our master Muhammad.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad with a blessing that is pleasing to You, a reward for him and a right due to him, and give him the means of mediation, excellence and the praiseworthy station which You promised him. Reward him from us with what he deserves and reward him with the best of what You reward a Prophet with from his people and a Messenger from his community, and bless all his brothers from the Prophets and the righteous, O most Merciful of the merciful.

O Allah, give the virtues of Your blessings, the honours of Your pure greetings, the increase of Your barakat, the affection of Your compassion, Your mercy, Your greetings, and the favours of Your blessings to our master Muhammad, the Master of the Messengers, and the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds, the Leader to good, the Opener of godliness, the Prophet of Mercy and the master of the community.

O Allah, raise him up to a praiseworthy station bringing him near and delight him with that in which the first and last delight.

O Allah, give him favour, excellence, honour, the means of mediation, the high degree and lofty degree.

O Allah, give our master Muhammad the means of mediation, give him what he hopes for, and make him the first intercessor and the first sought after intercessor.

O Allah, exalt his proof, make his scale heavy, make his proof shine, and raise his degree among the people of 'Illiyun and his rank among the highest of the near.

O Allah, make us live according to his sunna and let us die in his religion. Make us from the people for whom he intercedes, gather us in his party, let us come to his water-basin, and let us drink from his goblet without shame, remorse, or doubt, or changing or altering, or tempting or being tempted. Amin. O Lord of the worlds.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and give him the means of mediation, excellence, and high degree and raise him up to the Praiseworthy Station which You promised him with his brothers, the Prophets. May Allah bless our master Muhammad, the Prophet of Mercy and the Master of the Community, and our father Adam and our mother Hawwa', and the descendants among the Prophets, true, martyrs and righteous, and bless all Your angels from the people of the heavens and the earths, and bless us along with them, O Most Merciful of the merciful.

O Allah, forgive me my sins, forgive my parents and show mercy to them as they raised me when I was small, and forgive all of the believers, men and women, and all the Muslims, men and women, living and dead, and make blessings follow us and them, O Lord, forgive and show mercy, You are the best of the Merciful and there is no strength nor power save with Allah, the High, the Great.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the light of lights, the mystery of mysteries, the master of the righteous, the adornment of the best messengers, the noblest of whomever the night darkens and the day brightens, and in quantity as great the drops of rain which descend from the first of this world to its end, and in quantity as great as the plants and trees which grow from the first of this world to its end, with a blessing which is constant, lasting as long as the Kingdom of Allah, the One, the Victorious.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad with a blessing by which You ennoble his resting place and honour his end, and by it give him what he desires and what pleases him on the Day of Resurrection. This prayer exalts what is your due, O our master Muhammad! (three times)

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad the ha' of mercy, the two mims of the Kingdom and the dal of perpetuity, the perfect master, the opener, the seal, in quantity as great as what is in your knowledge of what is or what was whenever those who remember remember You and remember him and whenever those who neglect to remember Him and neglect to remember him neglect it, with it a constant prayer lasting as long as You, remaining as long as You remain without end other as You know, You are have power over all things. (three times)

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the Unlettered Prophet, and the family of our master Muhammad who is the most radiant and splendid of the suns of guidance in light and most well-known and famous of the Prophets in glory. His light is the most splendid, brightest and clearest of the lights of the Prophets, and he is purest and most immaculate of creation in character, and the noblest and most just of creation.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the Unlettered Prophet and the family of our master Muhammad who is more splendid than the full moon and more generous than the sent clouds and the vast seas.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the Unlettered Prophet, and the family of our master Muhammad to whose essence and countenance blessing is joined, and the worlds are scented by the fragrance and aroma of his dhikr.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad and grant them peace.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad and grant blessings to our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad and show mercy to our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as You blessed and gave blessings and showed mercy to our master Ibrahim and the family of our master Ibrahim, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, Your slave, Prophet and Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, and the family of our master Muhammad.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad with the capacity of this world and the Next, and grant blessings to our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad with the capacity of this world and the Next, and show mercy to our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad with the capacity of this world and the Next, and reward our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad with the capacity of this world and the Next, and grant peace to our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad with the capacity of this world and the Next, and reward our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad with the capacity of this world and the Next, and grant peace to our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad with the capacity of this world and the Next.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad as You commanded that we bless him and bless our master Muhammad as he must be blessed.

O Allah, bless Your Chosen Prophet and Your approved Messenger and Your Chosen Wali and Your Guardian of the revelation of heaven.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the noblest of forebears, establishing justice and equity, described in Surat al-A'raf, chosen from noble ancestors and wombs, purified from the best of 'Abdu'l-Muttalib ibn 'Abd Manaf whom You guided from conflict and by whom You made the path of virtuousness clear.

O Allah, I ask of You by the best of what as asked of You, by the most beloved of Your Names and the noblest to You, and by what You have bestowed on us by our master Muhammad, Your Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, so that by him You saved us from going astray. You ordered us to bless him and made our prayer on him a degree, expiation, and kindness and a gift You give. I call on You, respecting Your command, following Your order, and fulfilling what You promised as is necessary for our Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, in performance of what is due to him from us since we have believed in him and affirmed him, and we followed the light which descended with him. You said – and Your word is true, "Allah and His angels call down blessings on the Prophet. O you who believe! Call down blessings on him and ask for complete peace and safety for him."

You ordered the slaves to bless their Prophet as an obligation which You made obligatory and You have commanded them to do, so we ask You by the glory of Your face and the light of Your sublimity and by what You oblige on Yourself for those who do good that You and Your angels bless our master Muhammad, Your slave, Messenger and Prophet, and sincere friend and the cream of Your creation with the best of what You have blessed anyone of Your creation, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious.

O Allah, raise his rank, ennoble his station, increase his scale, make his proof radiant, make his religion triumph, give him abundant reward, make his light shine, make his honour endure, unite him to his descendants and the People of his House with what delights him, and exalt him among the Prophets who have gone before him.

O Allah, make our master Muhammad the Prophet with the most followers, the greatest strength, the best nobility and light, the highest in rank, and the one with the widest position in the Garden.

O Allah, make his end be among the forerunners, his degree among the chosen, his abode among the near, and his position among the elect.

O Allah, make him the noblest of the noble in position with You, the best in reward, the nearest in assembly, most confirmed in station, most to the point in speech, most successful in request, best in portion with You and greatest in what he desires with You, and place him in the rooms of Paradise in the high degrees above which there is no higher degree.

O Allah, make our master Muhammad the most truthful in words, the most successful in request, the first in intercession, the best of sought-after intercessors, and give him intercession for his community by an intercession envied by the first and the last. Since you have distinguished Your slaves by the rendering of Your decree, place our master Muhammad among the truthful in the speech, doers of good deeds and those who guide on the Path.

O Allah, make our Prophet go before us and make his water-basin a rendezvous for us, both the first and last of us.

O Allah, gather us in his party, make us act by his sunna, let us die in his religion, acquaint us of with his face, and place us in his party and group.

O Allah, join us to him as we have believed in him without seeing him. Do not separate us from him so that You make us enter where he enters, let us to drink at his water-basin, and make us among his comrades along with those who are blessed among the Prophets, true, martyrs and righteous. They are the best companions. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.

Beginning of the Third Fourth

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the light of guidance, guide to good, caller to guidance, the Prophet of guidance, the imam of the godfearing and the Messenger of the Lord of the Lords. There is no Prophet after him as he conveyed Your message, counselled Your slaves, recited Your ayats, established Your hudud, was faithful to Your covenant, carried out Your judgements, commanded Your obedience, forbade disobedience to You, was a friend to Your friend whom want to be befriended, and opposed Your enemy whom You want to be opposed, and may Allah bless our master Muhammad.

O Allah, bless his body among the bodies, his soul among the souls, his station among the stations, his assembly among the assemblies and his mention when he is mentioned with a prayer on our Prophet from us.

O Allah, convey to him the greeting from whenever the greeting of peace is mentioned, and peace be upon the Prophet and the mercy of Allah Almighty and His blessings.

O Allah, bless Your near angels, Your pure Prophets, Your sent Messengers, the bearers of Your throne, and our master Jibril, our master Mika'il, our master Israfil, our master the Angel of Death, our master Ridwan, the Guard of Your Garden, and our master Malik. Bless the noble recording angels and bless al the people who obey You among the people of the heavens and earths.

O Allah, give the people of the house of Your Prophet the best of what You have given any of the people of the houses of the Messengers, and reward the companions of Your Prophet with the best of what You have rewarded the companions of the Messengers.

O Allah, forgive the believers, men and women, and the Muslims, men and women, living and dead, and forgive us and our brothers who preceded us with faith and do not place rancour in our hearts towards those who believe, Our Lord, You are Compassionate, Merciful.

O Allah, bless the Hashimi Prophet our master Muhammad and his family and Companions and grant them peace.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the best of creation, with a blessing which pleases You and him and by which You are pleased with us, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and his family and Companions and grant them much peace, pleasant, blessed, abundant, beautiful, constant, lasting as long as the Kingdom of Allah.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and his family with the capacity of space and in quantity as great in the stars in the sky with a blessing equal in weight to the heavens and the earth and in quantity as great as what You created and what You will create until the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as You blessed our master Ibrahim and grant blessings to our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as You granted blessings to our master Ibrahim and the family of our master Ibrahim in the worlds, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious.

O Allah, I ask you for pardon and welfare in the deen and this world and the Next. (3 times)

O Allah, veil us from wrong actions with Your beautiful veil. (3 times)

O Allah, I ask You by Your mighty truth, by the light of Your noble Face, by Your mighty Throne, by what carries Your footstool of Your sublimity, majesty, beauty, radiance, power and might, and by the right of Your hidden treasured Names which none of Your creation has cognisance of.

O Allah, and I ask You by the name which You set over the night so that it darkens, and over the day so that it gives light and over the heavens so that they are raised up and over the earth so that it is established, and over the mountains so that they are firmly fixed and over the seas and wadis, so that they flow, and over the springs, so that they gush forth, and over the clouds, so that they give rain.

O Allah, I ask You by the names written on the brow of our master Israfil, peace be upon him, and by the names written on the brow of our master Jibril, peace be upon him, and on the near angels.

O Allah, I ask You by the names written around the Throne, and by the names written around the Footstool.

O Allah, I ask You by the name written on the leaves of the olive. O Allah, I ask You by the mighty Names by which You call Yourself, of what I know of them and what I do not know.

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