3) Hajj - Pilgrimage

Hajj is the pilgrimage to Makka



Types of Hajj

Description of Hajj


Being an adult
Being sane
Being able to perform it
Being a Muslim

Being able to perform it

Does not entail excessive hardship
There is security of life and property
For women, a mahram (male relative) or safe companions


Tawaf al-Ifada
Standing at 'Arafat


1. Intention
2. Miqat: place before which one must go into ihram
3. Forbidden things:
Oiling the hair or body
Removing nails
Removing hair
Removing dirt
Using scent
Covering the face (and head for men)
Wearing stitched clothing for men
If you do any of the above, you owe fidya
4. Saying the Talbiya which is stopped in tawaf and sa'y and after reaching 'Arafa
5. Sunna is a ghusl and two rak'ats before ihram

Talbiya: "Labbayk, Allahumma, labbayk. Labbayk, La sharika lak. Labbayk. Inna'l-hamda wa'n-ni'mata laka wa'l-mulk. La sharika lak" (At Your service, O Allah, at Your service. At Your service, You have no partner. At Your service. Praise and blessing are Yours and the kingdom. You have no partner.")


1. Seven circuits
2. Start at Safwa and end at Marwa
3. Preceded by wudu'
4. Being in purity
5. Going fast between the green markers

Tawaf al-Ifada

1. Must be in wudu'
2. Private parts must be covered
3. Having the House to one's left
4. Being outside the Shadharwan and Hijr
5. Seven circuits, starting and ending at the Black Stone
6. Must be done inside the mosque
7. Greeting the Stone when passed in each circuit
8. Trotting in the first three circuits
9. Two rak'ats after tawaf at the Maqam Ibrahim
10. Drinking Zamzam water
11. Tawaf al-Ifada is done from dawn on the Day of Sacrifice

Standing at 'Arafat

1. Shortening the prayers and combining them
2. Supplication
3. Standing at 'Arafa for a time on 9th Dhu'l-Hijja
4. Leave 'Arafa for Muzdalifa after Maghrib
5. Maghrib and 'Isha' done at Muzdalifa

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