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Riyad as-Salihin

(The Meadows of the Righteous)




2. Repentance

3. Steadfastness

4. Truthfulness

5. Watchfulness

6. Fearful Awareness of Allah

7. Certainty and Trust in Allah

8. On Going Straight

9. Reflection

10. Hastening to perform good actions

11. Striving

12. On the encouragement to increase good actions

13. The many paths of good

14. Moderation in Worship

15.Perserverance in actions

16. The command to follow the Sunna

17. The Obligation to obey the judgement of Allah

18. Chapter: The prohibition against innovations

19. The one who makes a good or bad sunna

20. On showing the way to good

21.Helping one another to goodness and fear of Allah

22. Good Counsel

23. Commanding the right and forbidding the wrong

24. The harsh punishment of someone who commands right or forbids wrong while his own actions contradict what he says

25. The command to deliver trusts

26. Injustice

27. Respecting the sacred things of the Muslims

28. Veiling the faults of Muslims

29. Taking care of the needs of the Muslims

30. Intercession

31. Putting things right between people

32. The excellence of the weak

33. Kindness to orphans and girls

34. Treating women well

35. The rights of a husband from his wife

36. Spending on one's family

37. Spending out of what one loves

38. On the obligation to command one's family and children to obey Allah

39. The right of the neighbour

40. Dutifulness to parents

41. The prohibition of disobeying parents

42. The excellence of dutifulness shown to the friends of one's father and mother, relatives, wife, and others

43. Honouring the people of the family of the Messenger of Allah

44. Respect for people of knowledge, the great and people of importance

45.Visiting the people of virtue, sitting with them and keeping their company

46. The excellence of love for the sake of Allah

47. On the signs of Allah's love for His slave

48. Cautioning against causing injury to the righteous, the weak and the poor

49. Judging people according to the outward while leaving their secrets to Allah

50. On Fear

51. On Hope

52. On the Excellence of Hope

53. On combining Fear and Hope

54. The Excellence of Weeping

55. On the Excellence of making do with little of this world

56. On the excellence of hunger

57. On Contentment, self-restraint, and moderation in life style and spending

58. On the permission to take that which is not asked for

59. The encouragement to eat from the work of one's own hand

60. On generosity

61. Forbidding miserliness and avarice

62. On preferring others

63. On the desire for in matters which pertain to the Next World

64. On the excellence of the grateful wealthy person

65. On remembering death

66. On the recommendation for men to visit the graves

67. On it being disliked to wish for death

68. On scrupulousness

69. On the recommendation to withdraw when things are corrupt

70. On the excellence of having dealings with people

71. On Humility

72. On the Prohibition of pride and arrogance

73. On Good Character

74. On forbearance, patience and kindness

75. On pardon

76. On enduring injury

77. On anger when the sacred things of the Shari'a are violated

78. On commanding those in authority to be kind to their subjects

79. On the just ruler

80. On the obligation to obey those in authority

81. On the prohibition against seeking authority

82. On encouraging the Sultan, qadi and others in authority to adopt a righteous counsellor

83. Not appointing those who desire authority

Book of Adab (84-99)

Book on the Adab related to Food (100-116)

Book of Clothing (117-126)

Book of the Adab of Sleep (127-128)

129. On the Adab of the Assembly

130. On Dreams

Book of the Greeting (131-143)

Book on Visiting the Sick (144-149)

Chapters on Dying and the Funeral (150-165)

Book of the Adab of Travelling (166-179)

Book of Virtues (180-231)

Recitation of the Qur'an (180-184)


Adhan (186)

The Prayer (187-213)

Siwak and Fitra (214)

Zakat (215)

Fasting (216)

232. Book of I'tikaf

233. Book of Hajj

Book of Jihad (234-240)

Book of Knowledge

Book of Praise of Allah and Thankfulness to Him

Book on the Prayer on the Messenger of Allah

Book of Dhikr

Book of Supplications

Book on Things which are Forbidden

370. On various stories

371. On asking forgiveness

372. On what Allah has promised the believers in the Garden

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