The Divine Names

(Most of this is derived from a book in French whose name I've forgotten. It deals not only with the Ninety-Nine Names, but also with all the names - or names derived from the verbs - which refer to Allah in the Qur'an and in hadith. If I don't mention the hadith under the name, it isn't because it doesn't exist. It's because it wasn't in the notes I took from the book which I no longer have access to.)

The Divine Names Related to Existence

Al-Mawjûd:The Existing

Allah possesses real existence without beginning or end. The existence of everything else is derived from His existence.

"But the actions of those who reject are like a mirage in the desert. A thirsty man thinks it is water, but when he reaches it, he finds it to be nothing at all, but he finds (wajada) Allah there. He will pay him his account in full." (24:39)

Al- Kâ'in: The One Who Is

Allah is Existing, firm, realised. He is Being. Ka'in is derived from the verb 'kâna ' (to be), usually connected with other attributes, as:

"Allah has knowledge of everything. (lit. Allah is Knowing of everything)" (33:40)

Ath-Thâbit: The One Whose Existence is Firm

Allah is the One whose existence is confirmed, enduring, lasting, substantial, and definite whereas our existence is ephemeral and transitory.

Al-Haqq: The Truly Real

The Truth, the Real, the Really-existing, He whose existence and divinity are true, the One who creates according to the requirements of wisdom, justice, right, rightness, the Necessarily-existing by His own Essence, He whose existence is undeniable. Every reality exists from His essence and nothing has any intrinsic reality except Him.

Al-Haqq is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"That is because Allah - He is the Truth, and what you call upon besides Him is falsehood Allah is the All-High, the Most Great." (31:29)
"On that Day Allah will pay them in full what is due to them, and they will know that Allah is the Clear Truth." (24:25)
"That is because Allah is the Real and gives life to the dead and has power over all things and the Hour is coming without any doubt and Allah will raise up all those in the graves." (22:6)

The Divine Names Related to Eternity

Al-Qadîm: The Timelessly Eternal

The Timelessly or Beginninglessly Eternal, the opposite of muhdath or hâdith (that which came into existence after not having been). Al-Qadîm has no beginning or is before the beginning. He is outside linear time.

Al-Azalî: The Pre-Eternal

Relating to pre-eternity, existing without any prior non-existence and without any beginning

Al-Awwal, Al-Akhir: The First and the Last

Al-Akhir is He who remains after all His creatures have perished.

Al-Awwal is the First, preceding all others.

Al-Awwal and Al-Akhir are two of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"He is the First and the Last and the Outward and the Inward." (57:3)

The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "...Allah, You are the First, for there was nothing before You, and You are the Last, for there is nothing after You, and you are the Outward, for there is nothing above You, and You are the Inward, for there is nothing beyond You. Remove our debt, and relieve us from poverty."

Al-Bâqî: The Abiding

The second dimension of divine eternity along with Al-Qadîm. He will not cease to be. He is the One whose existence has no end. He is Lasting, Perpetual, Endless.

Al-Baqi  is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Allah is better and longer lasting." (20:72)

"Everyone who is on it will pass away. And the Face of your Lord will remain, Master of Majesty and Generosity." (55:24-25)

Ad-Dâ'im: The Everlasting

The Everlasting, enduring endlessly, the One who does not perish.

Al-Abadî: The Post-Eternal

The Always enduring, He who has no end and will never cease to be, the Everlasting.

As- Sarmadî: The Constant

The Continuous, constant; the One who continues endlessly, without any interruption, having neither beginning nor end, and the One who can bring a constant state about.

Say: "What do you really think? If Allah made it permanent night for you till the Day of Rising, what god is there other than Allah to bring you light? Do you not then hear?"

Say: "What do you really think? If Allah made it permanent day for you till the Day of Rising, what god is there other than Allah to bring you night to rest in? Do you not then see?"(28:71-72)

Al-Wârith: The Inheritor

The One who inherits and continues after all others have ceased to be; thus all returns to Him. He is the true owner of all.

Al-Warith  is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"It is We who will inherit the earth and all those on it and. They will be returned to Us." (19:39)

"We will inherit from him the things he is talking about and he will come to Us all alone." (19:81)

"It is We who give life and cause to die and We are the Inheritor." (15:23)

Ad-Dahr: Time

Infinity of time, undifferentiated time from the beginning of the world to its end, extended indivisible space of time.

"The son of Adam vexes me when he curses Time, for I am Time. In My hand is the command. I cause the night and day to follow one upon the other." (al-Bukhari, Muslim, etc.)

Al-Qayyûm: The Self-Sustaining

The Self-Sustaining, Self-Subsisting, Self-Existing, the One who is in charge of things and preserves them and manages them. Also the One whose power over His creatures is unchangeable and will never end. He requires nothing to exist.

Al-Qayyum is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Allah. There is no god but Him, the Living, the Self-Sustaining." (2:255)

"Faces will be humbled to the Living, the All-Sustaining." (20:108)

The Divine Names Related to Uniqueness

Al-Wâhid: The One

One, the Sole, the One who attribute is unity; the One in Essence who is without like, the One in attributes besides whom there is no other, or the One who is not susceptible of division into parts nor of duplication, the One who has ever been alone without companion.

Al-Wahid is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"My fellow-prisoners, are many lords better, or Allah, the only One, the Conqueror?" (12:39)

"Allah says, 'Do not take two gods. He is only One God. So dread Me alone.'" (16:51)

"Your God is One." (37:4)

"Say: "I am only a human being like yourselves. It is revealed to me that your god is One God. So let him who hopes to meet his Lord act rightly and not associate anyone with the worship of his Lord." (18:110)

Al-Wahîd: The Unique

"Leave the person to I created on his own to Me alone. " (74:11)

Al-Ahad: Absolute Oneness

The Unique, One with No Other, the Sole. He who has ever been one and alone; the Indivisible, He who has no second. It is the closest to the Essence.

Al-Ahad is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Say: He is Allah, Absolute Oneness." (112:1)

ÔAbdullah ibn Burayda related from his father that the Messenger of Allah heard a man say, "O Allah, I ask You by the fact that I testify that You are Allah and there is no god but You the One, the Everlasting Support who did not beget and was not begotten and there is no one like Him." He said, "You have asked Allah by the Name by which He gives when asked, and by which He answers when He is called on by it ."

Al-Fard: The Unequalled

The Single, the Sole, He who has no equal or like, the Unequalled.

Al-Witr: The Single

Not one of a pair, He who has no like or equal, without parallel.

"Allah is single (witr) and loves odd numbers, so do the witr, people of the Qur'an." (hadith)

The Divine Names Related to Perfection

As-Subbûh, Al-Quddûs: The All-Perfect, Utterly Pure

Subbuh is from Subhan, which is glorification and tanzih, disconnecting and elevating Him above any others. He is All-Perfect, All-Pure, All Glorious, far removed from everything evil and imperfect.

Quddus means pure (tahir, munazzah), pure and free of any imperfection .He is far removed from every imperfection or impurity or from anything that would detract from His glory, and disconnected from every description perceived by the senses and thought,All-Holy, All-Pure, All-Perfect.

Some say Subbuh denies imperfection and Quddus affirms perfection.

Al-Quddus is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"He is Allah. There is no god but Him. He is the King, the Most Pure." (59:23)

"Everything in the heavens and everything in the earth glorifies Allah, the King, the Most Pure, the Mighty, the Wise." (62:1)

As-Salâm: Perfect Peace

The Flawless, sound of every imperfection or deficiency, peace for His creatures. He is the Author of Safety, because He has rendered all His creatures safe from unsoundness and from injustice from Him, the Giver of peace.

As-Salam is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.


"He is Allah. There is no god but Him. He is the King, the Most Pure, the Perfect Peace." (59:23)

At-Tâhir : The Pure

Pure of every bad action and any imperfection or any corporal distinction.

Al- Muta'âlî: The High Exalted

He Who is free of imperfection and none has power like His, He who is great or supremely great, above the lies of the liars, or the Most High, who is higher than every other high one, or He who has ascendancy over everything by His power or He who is exalted above the attributes of created things.

Al-Muta'ali is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Allah knows what every female bears and every shrinking of the womb and every swelling. Everything has its measure with Him, the Knower of the Unseen and the Visible, the Most Great, the High Exalted." (13:9-10)

"May Allah be exalted above what they associate with Him!" (27:63)

Al-'Alî, Al-'Âlî, Al-'A'lâ: The Most High

Above and beyond, the High above whom there is nothing higher.

Al-'Ali is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Judgement belongs to Allah, the All-High, the All-Great." (40:11)

"Everything in the heavens and everything in the earth belongs to Him. He is the Most High, the Magnificent." (42:4)

"Glorify the name of your Lord, the Most High." (87:1)

"Only desiring the Face of their Lord Most High." (92:20)

"That is because Allah is the Real and what you call on apart from Him is false. Allah is the All-High, the All-Great." (22:60)

Ar-Râfi': The Exalter

Active sense of 'Ali. Great in attributes, Exalter of the degrees of dignity; the Lofty. He exalts by drawing people near to Him and by granting them good fortune.

Ar-Rafi' is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Therefore call upon Allah, making your deen sincerely His, though the rejectors dislike it. He is the Raiser of ranks, the Possessor of the Throne. " (40:13-14)

Al-'Adhîm: The Magnificent

Immense in the sense of size and volume - the greatest dimensions which encompass all, referring to His Essence and attributes; the Incomparably Great, Enormous who cannot be perceived by the intellect.

Al-'Adhim is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Everything in the heavens and everything in the earth belongs to Him. He is the Most High, the Magnificent." (42:4)

"Glorify then the name of your Lord, the Magnificent!" (56:77)

"He used to not believe in Allah the Magnificent." (69:33)

Al-Kabîr: The Incomparably Great

Like  Al-'Adhîm, but carries more of a sense of power. It refers to Essence; Incomparably Great, Most Great, Great beyond measure, the Majestic. It expresses the perfection of His Essence.

Al-Kabir is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

That is because Allah, He is the Truth, and what you call upon besides Him is falsehood. Allah is the All-High, the Most Great." (31:30)

"Intercession with Him will be of no benefit except from someone who has His permission. So that when the terror has left their hearts they will say, 'What did your Lord say?' They will say, 'The Truth. He is the All-High, the Most Great.'" (34:23)

Al-Mutakabbir: The Supremely Great

Everything which is not Him is insignificant; He is the Great in Majesty or Most Excellent of beings, who has rights which no other possesses, the Possessor of power and excellence the like of which no other has; He who acts are good, exceeding the good acts of any other; the Majestic; He who disdains having the attributes of created beings; He who magnifies Himself against the proud among His creatures.

Al-Mutakabbir is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"He is the King, the Most Pure, the Perfect Peace, the Trustworthy, the Safeguarder, the Almighty, the Compeller, the Supremely Great." (59:23)

Al-Jalîl: The Majestic

The Majestic, Great in respect of rank or dignity. His order must be obeyed and carried out. This refers to His attributes. He is great in dignity because of His creating the great things which are indicative of Him, or because He is too great to be comprehended within limits or perceived by the senses.

Al-Jalil is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

Dhû'l-Jalâl wa'l-Ikrâm: The Lord of Majesty and Generosity

Tthe One who should be revered and honoured. Ibn 'Abbas said that "Dhu'l-Jalal" means "Full of Majesty."

Dhu'l-Jalal wa'l-Ikram is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Blessed be the name of your Lord, Master of Majesty and Generosity." (55:77)

Al-Jamîl: The Beautiful

Comely or goodly in deeds, or an Abundant bestower of good things.

"Allah is Beautiful and loves beauty" (Muslim)

Al-Mâjid, Al-Majîd: The Noble, The Glorious

He who possesses superiority or abundance of good (the root of majd is a field full of pasturage), richness, and superabundance; the Glorious, Great, Great in Dignity,  He who gives liberally or bountifully. He who is glorified for His deeds and nobleness and is vast in nobility and generosity. Al-Majîd indicates honour in respect of the Essence, and Al-Mâjid points to honour in respect of the attributes.

Al-Mâjid and Al-Majîd are two of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"He is Praiseworthy, All-Glorious." (11:72)

Al-Karîm, Al-Akram: The Generous, The Most Generous

Worthy of praise, glorious; Generous (in the sense of abundant), Munificent, noble, precious, possessing generosity lacking in any lowness or baseness.

Al-Karim is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"This is part of my Lord's favour to test me to see if I will give thanks or show ingratitude. Whoever gives thanks only does so to his own gain. Whoever is ungrateful, my Lord is Rich Beyond Need, Generous." (27:41)

"Recite, and your Lord is the Most Generous." (96:3)

Al-Hamîd: The Praiseworthy

Praised and praiseworthy.

Al-Hamid is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Everything in the heavens and everything in the earth belongs to Him. Allah is the Rich Beyond Need, the Praiseworthy." (22:62)

Al-Ghanî: The Rich Beyond Need

The Self-Sufficient, Without need of anything, He who possesses all things.

Al-Ghani is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Everything in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah. Allah is the Rich Beyond Need, the Praiseworthy." (31:25)

"Mankind! You are the poor in need of Allah whereas Allah is the Rich Beyond Need, the Praiseworthy." (35:14)

Al-Wâjid: The Rich

Rich, Resourceful or Knowing, He who has no wants and lacks nothing.

Al-Wajid is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"A thirsty man thinks it water but when he reaches it, he finds it nothing at all. But he finds Allah there and He will pay him his account in full." (24:38)

Az-Zâhir: The Outward

the Ascendant and Predominant over things, or He who is known by inference of the mind from what appears to mankind of the effects of his actions and attributes.

Az-Zahir is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"He is the First and the Last, the Outward and the Inward." (57:3)

Al-Bâtin: The Inward

He who knows the inward or intrinsic states or circumstances of thing, He who is veiled from eyes and imaginations of creatures.

Al-Batin is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"He is the First and the Last, the Outward and the Inward." (57:3)

The Divine Names Related to Life

Al-Hayy: The Living

Ever-Living, i.e. Deathless.

Al-Hayy is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Allah, there is no god but Him, the Living, the Self-Sustaining." (2:253)

"Put your trust in the Living who does not die and glorify Him with praise." (25:58)

The Divine Names Related to Power

Al-Qâdir; Al-Qadîr, Al-Muqtadir: The All-Powerful

Powerful, meaning capable of action. The last two names are more intensive. It entails decreeing and ordaining. It is He who does what He will, according to what wisdom requires, not more or less.

Al-Qadir and Al-Muqtadir are two of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Say: "He possesses the power (qâdir) to send you punishment from above your heads or from underneath your feet, or to confuse you in sects and make you taste each other's violence." (6:66)

"He adds to creation in any way He wills. Allah has power (qadîr) over all things." (35:1)

"Allah cannot be withstood in any way, either in the heavens or in the earth. He is All-Knowing, All-Powerful (qadîr)." (35:44)

"They denied every one of Our Signs. So We seized them with the seizing of One who is Almighty, All-Powerful (muqtadir)." (54:42)

Al-Qawi, Dhu'l-Quwwa: The All-Strong, The Possessor of Strength

Strong. It is either an equivalent of qadir, or qawî has a stronger meaning. He possesses the plenitude and perfection of power.

Al-Qawi is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Allah will certainly help those who help Him. Allah is All-Strong, Almighty." (22:38)

"He is the Most Strong, the Mighty." (42:18)

"Truly Allah, He is the Provider, the Possessor of Strength, the Sure." (51:58)

Al-Matîn: The Sure

The Firm, Strong in power, firm in His possession of strength and able to enforce His Will. His power is perfect and unrestricted.

Al-Matin is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Truly Allah, He is the Provider, the Possessor of Strength, the Sure." (51:58)

Ash-Shadîd: The Severe

Harsh, severe, inexorable.

"Your Lord has forgiveness for people for their wrongdoing; but your Lord is also severe in retribution." (13:7)

"Yet still they argue about Allah when He is inexorable in His power!" (13:13)

Al-Qâhir; Al-Qahhâr: The Absolute Master, All-Conquering

The Victorious, the Subduer, He who vanquishes, dominates, and governs all, He who conquers the powerful in this world (the tyrants); the Subduer of His creatures by His sovereign authority and power, and the Disposer of them as He pleases with and against their will; the Overcomer or Subduer of all beings.

Al-Qahhar is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"He is the Absolute Master over His slaves. He is the All-Wise, the All-Aware." (6:18)

"Say: 'Allah is the Creator of everything. He is the One, the All-Conquering." (13:18)

"On the day the earth is changed to other than the earth, and the heavens likewise, and they parade before Allah, the One, the All-Conquering." (14:50)

Al-Jâlib, Al-Jallâb: The Compeller

Same as Qâhir. The One who makes something happen.

Al-'Azîz: The Almighty

The All-Powerful, the Incomparable. No one can resist or oppose Allah. Often the all-Powerful applied to punishment; impossible, difficult, free of being menaced; unique and nothing is like Him. The One who overcomes everything, He who resists or withstands so that nothing overcomes Him; the Incomparable, the Unparalleled. Nothing is beyond His power.

Al-'Aziz is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"He grants victory to whoever He wills. He is the Almighty, the Most Merciful." (30:4)

"Say: 'Show me those you have joined to Him as associates. No indeed! He is Allah, the Almighty, the All-Wise." (34:27)

Al-Jabbâr: The Compeller

He compels His creatures to what He wills of His commands and prohibitions, and none can oppose Him and none is free of His grasp; the One who repairs and mends; the One who is inaccessible, the Unattainable, the Supreme. Also the Restorer of the poor to wealth or sufficiency, the Establisher of hearts according to their natural constitutions which He gave them in their mothers' wombs, disposing them to know Him and bear witness to Him, both the wretched and the happy among them.

Al-Jabbar is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"He is Allah – there is no god but Him. He is the King, the Most Pure, the Perfect Peace, the Trustworthy, the Safeguarder, the Almighty, the Compeller, the Supremely Great. Glory be to Allah above all they associate with Him." (59:23).

Al-Muqît: The Maintainer

He maintains creatures by letting them continue to existence through knowledge and power, also the Nourisher. The Possessor of power, He who gives to every man his food; the Preserver or Protector who gives everything its protection as is needful. He who is well-furnished with power over all things

Al-Muqit is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Allah gives all things what they deserve." (4:84).

The Divine Names Related to Omniscience

Al-'Âlim, Al-'Alîm, Al-'Allâm: The All-Knowing

The Knower. He who knows what has been and what will be, who ever has known and ever will know what has been and what will be, from whom nothing is concealed in the earth nor in the heaven, whose knowledge comprehends all things in the most complete manner. His knowledge is timeless and essential.

Al-'Alim is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Truly Allah has knowledge of the Hour and sends down abundant rain and knows what is in the womb. And no self knows what it will earn tomorrow and no self knows in what land it will die. Allah is All-Knowing ('alîm), All-Aware." (31:33)

"That is the Knower of the Unseen and the Visible, the Almighty, the Most Merciful." (32:5)

"Allah knows the Unseen of the heavens and the earth. Allah knows ('âlam) everything the breasts contain." (35:38)

"If I did say it, then You would have known it. You know what is in my self but I do not know what is in Your Self. You are the Knower ('allâm) of all unseen things." (5:118)

Al-Khabîr: The All-Aware

He who has perfect knowledge, not touched by doubt or error, who knows even the most hidden. He knows what has been and what is or will be, He knows the internal qualities of things.

Al-Khabir is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Do you not see that Allah makes night merge into day and day merge into night, and that He has has made the sun and moon subservient, each one running for a specified time, and that Allah is aware of everything you do? (31:29)

Al-Muhît: The Encompassing

Surrounding and encompassing in knowledge and power. Knowing the thing altogether, in all its modes and circumstances; intrinsically and extrinsically, having a comprehensive and complete knowledge to the furthest extent possible. Everything is in His power and subject to His force. He has total power over them and complete knowledge of them.

"Allah encompasses what they do." (3:120)

Al-Muhsî: The Appraiser

The knowledge of Allah of quantities. He comprehends everything by His knowledge, nothing escaping Him, small or great.

Al-Muhsi is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"He has counted them and numbered them precisely." (19:94)

"Allah has recorded it while they have forgotten it." (58:6)

Al-Hasîb: The Reckoner

He who takes account of the actions of man and reckons them, the One who gives what is sufficient for His slaves.

Al-Hasib is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"But he finds Allah there. He will pay him his account in full. Allah is swift at reckoning." (24:38)

"Allah suffices as a Reckoner." (4:6)

As-Samî': The All-Hearing

The one who hears all, no matter how faint the sound, without any organ of hearing.

As-Sami' is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Anyone who rejects the false gods and believes in Allah has grasped the Firmest  Handhold, which will never give way. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing." (2:255)

"You are the All-Hearing, All-Knowing." (3:35)

Al-Basîr: The All-Seeing

The One who sees all things, both the apparent and the hidden without any organ of vision.

Al-Basir is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"What We have revealed to you of the Book is the truth, confirming what came before it. Allah is aware of and sees His slaves." (35:31)

"Allah sees what you do." (2:264)

Ash-Shahîd: The Witness

Witness, possessing much knowledge with respect to external things, the One from whom nothing is Hidden; the Faithful in His testimony.

Ash-Shahid is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Show fear of Allah. Allah is witness of all things." (33:55)

"Say: 'Allah is a sufficient witness between me and you. He knows everything in the heavens and the earth." (29:52)

Al-Hâfiz, Al-Hafîz: The Preserver

The opposite of forgetfulness; to preserve, conserve, the opposite of to let perish. The Preserver of all things; He from whose preservation nothing is excluded, not even an atom in the heavens or the earth: He who preserves His creatures from oblivion and preserves the heavens and earth.

Al-Hafiz is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"The Best of Guardians (hâfiz) is Allah." (12:64)

"Your Lord is the Preserver (hafîz) of all things." (34:21)

Ar-Raqîb: The Watchful

He observes men so that nothing escapes him or is Hidden from Him. The Guardian, Keeper, Watcher, Vigilant Observer.

Ar-Raqib is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Allah is watchful over all things." (33:52)

Al-Hakîm: The All-Wise

Wise, the One who knows and acts well. Whatever He does is free defect and imperfection. It is one of the attributes of action. Allah is free of any unsoundness. From the root of the verb comes the noun hakama, a curb bridle used for a horse to prevent it from running without direction. Wisdom is called hikma because it prevents the person who has it from being rash and ignorant.

Al-Hakim is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"If all the trees on earth were pens and all the sea, with seven more seas besides, was ink Allah's words still would not run dry. Allah is Almighty, All-Wise." (31:26)

At-Tabîb: The True Physician

Doctor or judge.

A man said, "I am a physician," and the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Allah is the True Physician. Rather you are a compassionate man. Her physician is the one who created her." (Abu Dawud)

Al-Qarîb: The Near


"If My slaves ask you about Me, I am near. I answer the call of the caller when he calls on Me. (2:185)

"So ask His forgiveness and then turn in repentance to Him. My Lord is Close and Quick to Respond." (11:60)

The Divine Names Related to Creation

Al-Khâliq, Al-Khallâq: The Creator

He who has the power to give existence to creatures; He who brings into existence according to the proper measure or proportion; the Originator, not after any pre-existing likeness; or He who brought things into existence after they had not been in existence.

Khallâq is the Master Creator, or the Creator of many creatures.

Al-Khaliq is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Allah is He who created the heavens and the earth and everything between them in six days then established Himself firmly upon the Throne." (32:3)

"Does He who created the heavens and earth not have the power to create the same again? Yes indeed! He is the Creator, the All-Knowing." (36:80)

"Your Lord creates and chooses whatever He wills. The choice is not theirs." (28:68)

"Your Lord, He is the Creator (Khallâq), the All-Knowing." (15:86)

Al-Bâri': The Maker

He makes creatures distinct from one another; enabling creatures leave non-existence He is the One who transforms sources, the One creates things not based on any model of likeness. He created these things fear of any faultiness, and distinguished from from one another by various forms and outward appearances. The crucial aspect of Khaliq is the One who has the power and changes things from one state to another whereas Bari' brings them into time and originates them.

Al-Bari' is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"He is Allah - the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of Form." (59:24)

Al-Musawwir: The Giver of Form

He gives each being its proper form, determines its composition, dimensions and appearance. The Former or Fashioner of all existing things who has established them and given to every one of them a special form and particular manner of being whereby it is distinguished.

Al-Musawwir is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Then He formed him and breathed His Ruh into him." (32:8)

"It is He who forms you in the womb however He wills." (3:6)

"He is Allah - the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of Form." (59:24)

Al-Badî': The Originator

The Contriver, the Originator who first makes something new and original, the One who brings something into existence for the first time, and not after the similitude of anything existing before it.

Al-Badi' is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"The Originator of the heavens and the earth. When He decides on something, He simply says to it, 'Be!' and it is." (2:116)

Al-Fâtir: The Bringer-into-Being

To be the first to do something; the One who separates the heavens and the earth, their Originator. The root also means to knead dough and make it into bread.

"The Bringer-into-being of the heavens and earth." (42:9)

"Praise be to Allah, the Bringer-into-being of the heavens and the earth." (35:1)

Al-Fâliq:The One Who Splits and Brings into Being

He opens the apertures for things to come into existence; the Cleaver of the dry grain to make it germinate; He causes the dawn to break

"Allah is He Who splits the seed and kernel. He brings forth the living from the dead, and produces of dead out of the living." (6:96)

"It is He Who splits the sky at dawn, and appoints the night as a time of stillness and the sun and moon as a means of reckoning." (6:97)

Adh-Dhâri': The Creator

It contains an idea of succession of generations, multiplication, dispersal, spreading, making thing grow and develop.

"They assign to Allah a share of the crops and livestock He has created." (6:136)

Al-Munshî': The Producer of Existence

Drives from the idea of beginning, something without nothing before it, e.g. He raised the clouds, originated, began to build, compose,  cause to come into being

"Travel about the earth and see how Allah brings creation out of nothing. Then later Allah will bring about the next existence." (29:19)

"It is He who first produced you from a single self, then from a resting-place and a repository." (6:99)

"It is He who produces gardens, both cultivated and wild, and palm-trees and crops of diverse kinds, and olives and pomegranates, the same yet not the same." (6:142)

Al-Jâ'il: The One Who Puts in Place

To place, put, institute, to make be, assign. The verb ja'ala is similar to fa'ala and sana'a, to make a thing from a thing, e.g. 16:81, "He has made shaded places for you." So to create or bring into existence from something else, but also simply create, as 6:1, "He Who appointed darkness and light," and 21:31, "We made from water every living thing." To make or prepare (65:3; 65:4). To appoint (19:31); to make something be in a certain condition (2:21), also to make a change, to pronounce a legal judgement, to call or name; to make known, to exalt, etc.

"Then He produced his seed from an extract of base fluid." (32:7)

"He who made the angels messengers, with wings - two, three and four." (35:1)

"He has given you mates from among yourselves, and given mates to the livestock, in that way multiplying you." (42:11)

Al-Mubdi': The Originator

Like al-Badi', the One who originates something without prior model, begins the first time.

Al-Mubdi' is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"He who has created all things in the best possible way. He commenced the creation of man from clay." (32:7)

"Have they not seen how Allah brings creation out of nothing, then reproduces it? That is easy for Allah." (29:18)

Al-Mu'îd: The Restorer

The one who restores what He has already created before and brings it to live again.

Al-Mu'id is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Allah originates creation, then will regenerate it, then you will be returned to Him." (30:11)

Al-Bâ'ith: The Raiser

The Raiser, Resurrector.To re-create, like Mu'id; revive; also to send. The One who Quickens mankind after death. To cause something to be.

Al-Ba'ith is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Allah will raise up all those in the graves." (22:7)

Al-Jâmi': The Gatherer

He gathers together the creatures; the One who collects created beings for the Day of Reckoning, or the Combiner of things of similar natures and things of contrary natures in existence.

Al-Jami' is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Our Lord, You are the Gatherer of mankind to a Day of which there is no doubt." (3:9)

As-Sâni': The Maker

Maker, someone who makes something with his own hands with great skill. (Only the verb is used in reference to Allah)

"You will see the mountains you reckoned to be solid going past like clouds - the handiwork of Allah who gives to everything its solidity." (27:90)

Al-Muhdith: The One Who Brings into Temporal Existence

He who brings into existence or caused it to happen for the first time, not having been before. This is really bringing something into temporality.

"It may well be that after that Allah will cause a new situation to develop." (65:1)

Al-Mûjid: The One Who Brings into Existence

Bringer into existence from non-existence. Also the One who enriches so that the person is in no need, also to strengthen after weakness.

Al-Mukawwin: The One Who Brings into Being

The One who makes something come into existence by saying "Be! (kun).

"His command when He desires a thing is just to say to it,'Be!"'and it is."  (36:81)

The Divine Names Related to Lordship

Al-Malik; Al-Mâlik: The King, the Master

Al-Mali is the King, the Sovereign; Al-Mâlik is the Master, Owner, Malik is the governor of beings who have the consciousness of being governed, not the case with Mâlik, who owns everything.

Al-Malik is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"He to Whom the kingdom of the heavens and the earth belongs." (2:106).

"Exalted be Allah, the King, the Real. There is no god but Him, Lord of the Noble Throne." (23:117)

"High exalted be Allah, the King, the Real!" (20:111)

Mâlik al-Mulk: The Master of the Kingdom

Owner or Possessor of the Kingdom, who grants sovereignty to whomever He will.

Malik al-Mulk is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"O Allah! Master of the Kingdom! You give sovereignty to whoever You will. You take sovereignty from whoever You will." (3:26)

Ar-Rabb: The Lord

Lord: master, owner; chief; the Cherisher, the one who takes care of a thing.Ar-Rabb is the one who puts right, manages, compels and guards. He is the One worshipped.Some scholars say that the name is the greatest name of Allah because of the great number of those who make supplication using it. It reflects the true relationship of a person with his Lord, containing both mastery and kindness, concern, and nurture.

"Lord of the heavens and the earth and everything between them. Lord of the Easts." (37:5)

"Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. This is a straight path." (3:50)

As-Sayyid: The Master

Lord, but only of animate creatures.

A delegation said to the Messenger of Allah, "You are our master." He replied, "The Master is Allah, blessed and exalted is He."

As-Samad: The Everlasting Sustainer of All

The Eternal Lord, Radically transcendent,the One to whom things aim, and direct themselves, the One to whom one has recourse; that which has nothing hollow - an indivisible Essence; being that continues forever, the Creator of everything, of whom nothing is independent, and whose unity everything indicates, or who takes no nourishment.

As-Samad is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Say: He is Allah, Absolute Oneness. Allah the Everlasting Sustainer of all." (112:1-2)

ÔAbdullah ibn Burayda related from his father that the Messenger of Allah heard a man say, "O Allah, I ask You by the fact that I testify that You are Allah and there is no god but You the One, the Everlasting Support who did not beget and was not begotten and there is no one like Him." He said, "You have asked Allah by the Name by which He gives when asked, and by which He answers when He is called on by it ."

Al-Mawlâ, Al-Walî, Al-Wâlî: The Protector, The Friend

patron, protector, master

Al-Walî is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Hold fast to Allah. He is your Protector (mawlâ) - the best Protector, the best Helper." (22:78)

"They have no protector (wâli) apart from Him." (13:12)

"Have they then taken others besides Him as protectors? But Allah is the Protector (walî) He brings the dead to life. He has power over all things." (42:7)

"Allah is the Protector (wali ) of those who believe. He brings them out of the darkness into the light." (2:257)

Al-Mudabbir: The Manager

To manage, administer, govern with forethought about the issues and results of things.

"He made the sun and moon subservient, each running for a specified term. He directs the whole affair." (13:2)

The Names of the Master of Destiny

Al-Muhyî, Al-Mumît: The One Who Gives Life, The One who Makes Die

The Life-Giver or Quickener who makes something alive, to be a living thing; He quickenes him or endues him with life or revives him. He revives the earth with rain and endues with intelligence. Al-Mumit is the One who causes to die.

Al-Muhyi and Al-Mumit are two of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"How can you reject Allah, when you were dead and then He gave you life, then He will make you die and then give you life again, then you will be returned to Him?" (2:27)

Ad-Dârr, An-Nâfi': The Afflicter, The Helper

The Afflicter: He who harms, damages, punishes. An-Nafi': He who helps, profits.

Ad-Darr and Al-Nafi' are two of the Ninety-Nine Names.

Al-Qâbid, Al-Bâsit: The Constrictor, The Expander

Al-Qabid: The Seizer, the One who withholds or the Constricter of the means of subsistence and other things from His servants by His graciousness and wisdom; the Taker of souls at their death.

Al-Basit: The One who expands, enlarges, amplifies or makes ample and plentiful the means of subsistence; or who diffuses the souls in the bodies when they come to life.

Al-Qabid and Al-Basit are two of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Allah both restricts and expands. And you will be returned to Him." (2:243)

"He expands provision of anyone He wills or restricts it." (42:10)

Al-Mutî, Al-Mâni: The Giver, The Withholder

A-Muti: The Giver.

Al-Mani': The Unapproachable, inaccessible, difficult of access, protected against attack; the One who prevents, refuses to give, restrains, forbids,withholds.

Al-Mâni' is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

Al-Muqaddim, Al-Mu'akhkhir: The Advancer, The Postponer

Al-Mu'akhkhir: The Postponer or Delayer, who postpones things and puts them in their places, or who puts or keeps back, or He who degrades.

Al-Muqaddim: The Advancer

Al-Muqaddim and Al-Mu'akhkhir are two of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"When I gave you advance warning of the Threat." (50:28).

"If We postpone the punishment..." (11:8).

Al-Mu'izz, Al-Mudhill: The Honourer, The Dishonourer

Al-Mudhill: He Who makes low and abased.

Al-Mu'izz: He who gives might to whomever He will.

Al-Mu'izz and Al-Mudhill are two of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"You exalt whoever You will. You abase whoever You will." (3:26)

Al-Khâfid, Ar-Râfi': The Abaser, The Exalter

Ar-Râfi': the Exalter, (see above under Names of Perfection)

Al-Khâfid: The Abaser of the proud, haughty and insolent; the Abaser of all He desires to abase, abasing some to the Fire and raising some to the Garden.

Ar-Rafi' and Al-Khafid are two of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"When the Great Event occurs, none will deny its occurrence; bringing low, raising high." (56:1-3)

An-Nâsir, Al-Khâdhil: The Helper, The Disappointer

Al-Khadhil;: When Allah fails to preserve a man from an evil action, so that he does it. To abstain from helping someone, to desert him. See 3:154.

An-Nasir: Aider or assister, especially against an enemy, the One who grants victory.

"Allah knows best who your enemies are. Allah suffices as a Protector. Allah suffices as a Helper." (4:45)

"If Allah helps you, no one can vanquish you. If He forsakes you, who can help you after that?" (3:160)

Al-Muzîl: The Separator

The Separator, who will separate men from their false gods.

"Then We will sift them out." (10:28)

The Divine Names Related to Justice

Al'Adl,  Al-'Âdil: The Just

The Just and Equitable. He whom desire does not cause to incline or decline so that He should deviate from the right course in judgement.

Al-'Adl is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Allah commands justice." (16:90)

Al-Muqsit: The Equitable

The one who renders justice, the Equitable.

An-Muqsit is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Allah bears witness that there here is no god but He, as do the angels and people of knowledge, upholding justice." (3:18)

Al-Hakam: The Judge

The Arbiter, Allah judges and there is no reversing His judgement.

Al-Hakam is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Jurisdiction belongs to Him alone." (6:63)

"Then you will all return to Me, and I will judge between you regarding the things about which you differed." (3:55)

Al-Fattâh, Al-Fâtih: The Just Decider, The Opener

The Judge, the Conquerer, who opens what is closed between the two adversaries, i.e. decides between them. Also opening His goodness and mercy, the One who gives victory.

Al-Fattah is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Our Lord will bring us all together and then will judge between us with the truth. He is the Just Decider, the All-Knowing." (34:26)

"Any mercy Allah opens up to people, no one can withhold." (35:2)

Ad-Dayyân: The Requiter

The Judge, one who demands the accounts, retribution. He does not neglect any deed, but requites it properly.

The Prophet said, "Allah will collect His slaves and He will call to them in a voice that those who are far away will hear just as clearly as those who are close at hand: 'I am the King, the Requiter!'" (Al-Bukhari)

Ash-Shakûr; Ash-Shâkir: The Ever-Thankful

The Rewarder of Thankfulness. He repays people for their good actions. He gives a large reward for few works; He in whose estimation few works performed by His slaves increase and who multiplies His rewards to them.

Ash-Shakur is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"He will pay them their wage in full and give them more from His unbounded favour. He is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Thankful." (35:30)

Al-Muntaqim: The Exactor of Revenge

The Avenger, He who takes vengeance and retribution.

Al-Muntaqim is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Do not imagine that Allah will break His promise to His Messengers. Allah is Almighty, Exactor of Revenge." (14:49)

"Those who reject the signs of Allah will have a terrible punishment.Allah is Almighty, Exactor of Revenge." (3:4)

The Divine Names Related to Certainty

As-Sâdiq: The Truthful

Truthful, untouched by the possibility of lying.

"Allah speaks the truth." (3:95)

Al-Mu'min: The Trustworthy

The Giver of Faith, to give security; He who makes mankind secure from His wronging them; He who makes His servants safe from His punishment (i.q. Muhaymin); Believer of His servants on the Day of Rising in the questioning, or He who will faithfully give His servants what He promised them; He who has declared in His word the truth of His unity.

Al-Mu'min is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"He is Allah. There is no god but Him. He is the King, the Most Pure, the Perfect Peace, the Trustworthy, the Safeguarder, the Almighty." (59:23)

Al-Muhaymin: The Safeguarder

The Safeguarder, the Witness, the one who watches over things He preserves and guards, Allah is Amin, worthy of trust; Preserver.

Al-Muhaymin is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"He is Allah. There is no god but Him. He is the King, the Most Pure, the Perfect Peace, the Trustworthy, the Safeguarder, the Almighty." (59:23)

Al-Amîn: The Secure

He who is secure with respect to the accidents of fortune.

Al-Wafî: The Faithful

The One who is faithful to His contracts and pays in full.

"Your Lord will pay each of them in full for his actions." (11:111)

Al-Kafîl: The Guarantor

He Who guarantees men their provision

Al-Wakîl:The Guardian

The Trustee. People entrust their destinies to Him and put their confidence in Him, the Protector, Guardian, Administrator

Al-Wakil is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Allah us enough for us suffices and the Best of Guardians." (3:173).

Al-Kâfî: The One Who Suffices

Allah is enough, one does not need recourse to any other or have hopes from any other. He does it all.

"Say: 'Allah is enough for me. All those who truly trust put their trust in Him.'" (39:36)

The Divine Names Related to Guidance

Al-Hâdî: The Guide

The One who shows the way.

Al-Hadi is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"He guides whoever He wills to a straight path." (2:141)

"He who guides you in the darkness of land and sea and sends out the winds bringing advance news of His mercy. Is there another god besides Allah?" (27:65)

Ar-Rashîd: The Correct Guide

Just, directing to the correct path; He appoints or ordains well what He appoints.

Ar-Rashid is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"We gave Ibrahim his right guidance." (21:51)

Al-Mubîn: The Clarifier

The One who make clear His proofs and Signs.

"In this way Allah makes His Signs clear to you, so that hopefully you will use your intellect." (2:240)

An-Nûr: The Light

The light, guide, the One who illuminates; the One who is manifest, clear.

An-Nur is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The metaphor of His light is that of a niche in which there is a lamp, the lamp inside a glass, the glass like a brilliant star, lit from a blessed tree, an olive, neither of the east nor of the west, its oil all but giving off light even if no fire touches it. Light upon light." (24:35)

The Divine Names Related to Beneficence

Ar-Rahmân, Ar-Rahîm: The All-Merciful, Most Merciful

The orginal sense of rahma is "gentleness" (riqqa, riqqat al-qalb), tenderness (tahannun), kindness (ta'attuf). Ibn 'Abbas says that ar-Rahman is ar-raqîq (The Gentle) and ar-Rahim is al-'âtif Ôala khaqihi bi'r-rizq (Kind to His creatures with provision)

Allah is Rahman, merciful for all men, virtuous or sinners, believers or unbelievers, but He is rahim for believers. One is general and the other particular. He is ar-Rahman inasmuch as He gives all men their provision or created them.

Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim are two of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Your God is One God. There is no god but Him, the All-Merciful, the Most Merciful." (2:152)

"Say: 'Call on Allah or call on the All-Merciful, whichever you call upon, the Most Beautiful Names are His." (17:109)

"Do you not see that Allah has made everything on the earth subservient to and the ships running upon the sea by His command? He holds back the heaven, preventing it from falling to the earth - except by His permission. Allah is All-Compassionate to mankind, Most Merciful ." (22:63)

Ar-Ra'ûf: The All-Gentle

Intensive form of mercy, or it is to make a suffering stop, the Clement, the One who makes things easier for people than need be out of tenderness. It is more far-reaching than rahma.

Ar-Ra'uf is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Allah is Ever-Gentle with His slaves." (2:205)

"Allah is Ever-Gentle, Most Merciful." (24:20)

Al-Hannân: The Tender

Having tenderness; the One who shows favour or presents a favourable aspect to the one who turns from him or shuns him, having mercy. [someone who separated from someone dear to them and yearns for them and grieves for them.)

Ar-Rafîq; Ash-Shafîq: The Kind, The Compassionate

The One who is tender and gentle; the One who is very benign.

The Prophet said, "Allah is kind and He loves kindness and confers upon kindness which he does not confer upon severity and does not confer upon anything else besides it." (Muslim)

Al- Mun'im: The Blesser

Blesser, Bestower of blessing

"Remember the blessing I conferred on you." (2:39)

Al-Muhsin: The Beneficient

The One Constantly doing good.

"Whoever believes in Allah and acts rightly, We will admit him into Gardens with rivers flowing under them remaining in them timelessly, for ever and ever. Allah has provided for him excellently." (65:11)

Dhû'l-Fadl, Al-Mufaddil: The Possesser of Bounty, The Bestower

Possessing superabundance, surpassingness, bounty, exhaustless treasures, free gift, beneficience which is without prior obligation.

"Allah shows favour to mankind, but most of them are not thankful." (27:75)

"Allah has favoured some of you over others in provision." (16:71)

Al-Latîf: The All-Subtle

The All-Gentle, sagacious, beneficient; Allah finds the way to come to end of every difficulty, His actions in the world are subtle, and imperceptible to normal mortals. Invisible; the One who knows subtle and obscure things. He gives to people beyond what they need and brings timeless happiness. He creates the embyro and protects it and brings forth milk, etc.

Al-Latif is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Do you not see that Allah sends down water from the sky and then in the morning the earth is covered in green? Allah is All-Subtle, All-Aware." (22:62)

Al-Barr; Al-Bârr: The All-Good

The Source of All Goodness. It is like muhsin, mun'im, while others say it means truthful. Very Benign to His servants or very ample in goodness. The one with absolute ihsan. Ibn 'Abbas said that "Al-Barr" means "the kind (latif)."

Al-Barr is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Beforehand we certainly used to call on Him because He is All-Good, the Most Merciful." (52:26).

Dhû't-Tawl: The Possessor of Abundance

Rich or powerful. possessing superabundance and excellence, power, ampleness, ascendancy. The Possessor of all-sufficiency, or bounty; Possessor power or of bounty.

"the Possessor of abundance" (40:3)

Al-Hafî: The Gracious

knowing, or sometimes merciful, gracious, answering the prayer of the one who prays, mindful and considerate. One who goes to the utmost to inquire about someone's state and is extremely solicitous about his needs. He grants us guidance to worshi of Him.

"He said, 'Peace be upon you. I will ask my Lord to forgive you. He has always honoured me." (19:47)

Al-Kâshif ad-Durr: He Who Removes Harm

"But when He removes the harm from you, a group of you associate others with their Lord." (16:54)

"We responded to him and removed from him the harm which was afflicting him and restored his family to him and the same again with them, as a mercy direct from Us and a Reminder to all worshippers." (21:84)

The Divine Names Related to Generosity

Ar-Râziq, Ar-Razzâq: The Provider

The one who provides nourishment and means of subsistence; the Creator of provisions; outwardly to the body and inwardly to the heart in the form of gnoses.

Ar-Razzaq is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Say: "My Lord expands the provision of any of His slaves He wills or restricts it. But anything you expend will be replaced by Him. He is the best of Providers (râziq)." (34:39)

"So that Allah can reward them for the best of what they did and give them more and more from His unbounded favour. Allah provides for anyone He wills without reckoning." (24:38)

"Truly Allah, He is the Provider (razzâq),the Possessor of Strength, the Sure." (51:58)

Al-Mughnî: The Enricher

The One who gives wealth; the One who is enough and makes all that-other-than Him useless. He satisfies or contents whom He will of His servants.

Al-Mughni is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Did He not find you impoverished and enrich you?" (93:8)

Al-Wahhâb: The Ever-Giving

The Unstinting Giver, the One who gives a lot freely, universally and perpetually and disinterestedly, not wanting nothing back. He gives instantly.

Al-Wahhab is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"And give us mercy from You. You are the Ever-Giving." (3:8)

"Or do they possess the treasuries of your Lord's mercy, the Almighty, the Ever-Giving?" (38:9)

Al-Mannân: The Benefactor

The One who gives a lot

"But Allah shows favour to any of His slaves He wills." (14:14)

"We showed great kindness to Musa and Harun." (37:114)

Al-Jawâd: The Magnanimous

Generous and totally lacking in avarice. He gives without being asked to preserve the person from the igominy of asking, He gives what is proper to whom it is proper.

"This is because I am Magnanimous, Exalted, I do whatever I wish. My gift is nothing but My command." (at-Tirmidhi)

Al-Wasi': The All-Encompassing

The Wide-reaching large, vast, spacious. According to at-Tabari, it means vast of bounty, generous, The Vast who englobes all, or the Rich. He gives His slaves expanse in their deen and does not oblige them to so something which is beyond their capacity. It is said that "Encompassing" means that His knowledge encompasses everything, the Generous whose giving encompasses everything It is said that His forgiveness is vast. It is said that He is gracious to His slaves and has no need of their actions.

Al-Wasi' is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"The metaphor of those who spend their wealth in the Way of Allah is that of a grain which produces seven ears; in every ear there are a hundred grains. Allah gives such multiplied increase to whoever He wills. Allah is All-Encompassing, All-Knowing." (2:260)

Al-Mujîb: The Quick to Respond

The One who answers prayers with gifts and acceptance, The One who responds to prayers.

Al-Mujib is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"So ask His forgiveness and then turn in repentance to Him. My Lord is Close and Quick to Respond." (11:61)

Qâdî'l-Hajât: The One who satisfies needs

Al-Mughîth, Al-Ghiyâth: Succour

The One who helps and succours people in their sufferings.

"Remember when you called on your Lord for help, and He responded to you." (8:9)

Al-Wadûd: The Most Loving

The Loving, compassionate to His servants

Al-Wadud is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Ask your Lord for forgiveness and then turn in repentance to Him. My Lord is Most Merciful, Most Loving." (11:90)

The Divine Names Related to Indulgence

Al-Ghâfir, Al-Ghafûr; Al-Ghaffar: The Forgiving, The Ever-Forgiving,
The Endlessly Forgiving

Al-Ghafir who pardons a particular sin; Al-Ghafur who is in the habit of forgiving sins and covering them up; Al-Ghaffar is the One who does not cease to pardon them, one after the other. Ghafr, in the root, means to cover, veil, so to make hidden (unlike 'afw, to efface), not to punish, to cause them to be undisclosed. The One who covers and forgives the sins of His servants.

Al-Ghafur and Al-Ghaffur are two of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"You are our Protector, so forgive us and have mercy on us. You are the Best of Forgivers (ghâfirin)." (7:155)

"The heavens are all but rent asunder from above when the angels glorify the praise of their Lord and ask forgiveness for those upon the earth. Allah is the Ever-Forgiving (ghafur), the Most Merciful." (42:3)

"Lord of the heavens and the earth and everything between them, the Almighty, the Endlessly-Forgiving (ghaffar)." (38:65)

As-Sâtir, As-Sattâr: The Veiler

The One who often veils sins, also leaves them unpunished; the Protector

In hadith, "Allah is Living and Veiling and loves the protective veil."

"When you recite the Qur'an, We place an obscuring veil between you and those who do not believe in the Next World." (17:45)

Al-'Afuw: The All-Pardoning

He who makes disappear, effaces; also has the meaning of fadl, superfluous and so it is resembles Al-Wahhab and Al-Jawad. He forgives much. He passes over wrong actions and pardons faults. More far-reaching than Al-Ghafur, which is veiling. 'Afw is effacing.

Al-'Afuw is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"And if anyone inflicts an injury the same as the one done to him and then is again oppressed, Allah will come to his aid. Allah is All-Pardoning, Ever-Forgiving." (22:58)

At-Tawwâb: The Ever-Returning

Allah turning to man is by pardoning him; One who returns often to forgiveness towards His servant who returns to Him, One who forgives much and saves from acts of disobedience, who reverts from severity to mildness or returns His favour. He returns blessings to those who turn to Him from wrong actions by pure bounty and care. He accepts the tawba of His slaves.

At-Tawwab is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Allah is Ever-Returning, All-Wise." (24:10)

"Then Adam received some words from his Lord and He turned towards him. He is the Ever-Returning, the Most Merciful." (1:37)

Qâbil at-Tawb: He Who Accepts Repentance

"It is He who accepts repentance from His slaves and pardons evil acts and knows what they do." (42:23)

"The Forgiver of wrong action, the Accepter of repentance, the Severe in retribution, the Possessor of abundance. There is no god but Him. He is the final destination." (40:3)

Al-Halîm: The All-Forbearing

The Forbearing and Clement. He is not troubled by the disobedience of rebels, has not precipitateness, doesn't hasten to punish - for He has appointed everything to a term to which it must finally come.

Al-Halim is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

"Allah knows what is in your hearts. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Forbearing." (33:51)

"Allah keeps a firm hold on the heavens and earth, preventing them from vanishing away. And if they vanished no one could then keep hold of them. Certainly He is Most Forbearing, Ever-Forgiving." (35:41)

As-Sabûr: The Patient

The One who does not hasten to punish, but forgives. He constrains Himself to be patient and endure the misdoings of His creation.

As-Sabur is one of the Ninety-Nine Names.

The Prophet said, "None is more patient than Allah in face of the harmful words He hears from people: they claim that he has a child and yet He grants them well-being and provides for them." (Abu Musa al-AshÔari, al-Bukhari)

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