Factors and questions involving fasting
The Classification of the Fast
The obligatory fast, which is the month of Ramadan
When it is too cloudy to sight the new moon
The interpretation of sighting (ru'ya)
That from which the faster abstains
That which enters the stomach but is not nourishment
Vomiting and making oneself vomit
The time of the intention to fast
The fast of the sick person and the traveller during the month of Ramadan
IIs it better for them to fast or to break the fast?
The illness which allows a person to break the fast
When the traveller breaks the fast and when he abstains
When the traveller reaches his destination
The one who faints and the madman
Description of making up missed fasting in Ramadan
Someone who puts off making up Ramadan until the next Ramadan
Someone who dies and still owes some fasting
Pregnant and nursing woman who miss fasting
Someone who deliberately has sexual intercourse in Ramadan
Someone who eats or drinks deliberately
Whether forms of kaffara are in order
Someone who does something in his fast which is a subject of dispute
The pregnant woman and the nursing woman having a choice
Intending to fast during the night