The Second Hizb on Tuesday

O Allah, I ask You for the good of what You know, and I take refuge with You from the evil of what You know, and I ask Your forgiveness for all of what You know. You know and we do not know, and You are the Knower of the Unseen.

O Allah, show mercy to me from this time of mine, and the glances of temptations and the insolence of the people of boldness towards me, and their seeking to weaken me.

O Allah, place me in a well-fortified refuge of yours and a secure retreat from all of Your creation until my appointed end reaches me protected.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as whoever blesses him and bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as whoever does not bless him, and bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as the prayer on him requires. Bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as the prayer on him is necessary, and bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad You commanded that he be blessed. Bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad whose light is from the Light of Lights and the secrets radiates are illuminated by the rays of his secret.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad and all the people of his house, the righteous ones.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and his family, the Sea of Your lights, the Treasury of Your mysteries, the Tongue of Your proof, the Bridegroom of Your kingdom, the Imam of Your presence, and the Seal of Your Prophets with a blessing which pleases You and him, and by which You are pleased with us, O Lord of the worlds.

O Allah, Lord of the lawful and unlawful, Lord of the Mash'ar al-Haram and Lord of the Baytu'l-Haram and Lord of the Corner and the Station, convey peace from us to our master Muhammad.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the master of the first and the last.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad at every moment and time.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in the Highest Assembly until the Day of Repayment.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the Unlettered Prophet, and the family of our master Muhammad as you blessed our master Ibrahim. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. Grant blessings to our master Muhammad, the Unlettered Prophet, as You granted blessings to our master Ibrahim, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what Your knowledge encompasses and Your pen writes and Your already will, and may Your angels bless him with a constant prayer as long as You remain, by Your favour and benevolence eternally for the post-eternity of post-eternity without end to its eternity without any end to its timelessness.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what Your knowledge encompasses and Your Book enumerates and Your angels witness, and be pleased with his Companions, and show mercy to his community. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad and all the Companions of our master Muhammad.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as You blessed our master Ibrahim and grant blessings, O Allah, to our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as you granted blessings to our master Ibrahim and the family of our master Ibrahim in the worlds. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious.

O Allah, with humble hearts in prostration to You, O my Master, without unbelief, and by You, O Majestic! There is nothing which even approximates You in your inviolable promises, and by Your Footstool adorned with light extending as far as Your immense, glorious Throne, and by what was truly under Your Throne before You created the heavens and the sound of thunder. Since You are an infinite God known by tawhid, place us among Your beloved lovers who are brought near, full of passionate love for You, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah!

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what Your knowledge encompasses.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what Your Book enumerates,.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what Your power accomplishes.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what Your will selects.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what Your command and prohibition applies to.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what Your hearing encompasses.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what Your vision encompasses.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what those who do dhikr mention.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what those who neglect his dhikr neglect.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the drops of rain.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the leaves of the trees.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the beasts of the wastelands.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the creatures of the seas.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the water of the seas.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as what the night darkens and the day gives light to.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in the morning and evening.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as the sand.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as men and women.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad with Your good pleasure.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad by the ink of Your words.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad by what Your heaven and earth contain.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad by the weight of Your throne.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as Your creatures.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad with the best of Your blessings.

O Allah, bless the prophet of mercy.

O Allah, bless the intercessor of the community.

O Allah, bless the lifter of sorrow.

O Allah, bless the dispeller of darkness.

O Allah, bless the master of blessing.

O Allah, bless the one who brings mercy.

O Allah, bless the possessor of visited water basin.

O Allah, bless the possessor of the praiseworthy station.

O Allah, bless the possessor of the raised standard.

O Allah, bless the possessor of the witnessed site.

O Allah, bless the one ascribed by nobility and generosity.

O Allah, bless the one who is our praiseworthy master in the heaven and our much praised master Muhammad in the earth.

O Allah, bless the possessor of the mole.

O Allah, bless the possessor of the token.

O Allah, bless the one described by nobility.

O Allah, bless the one delegated with leadership.

O Allah, bless the one whom the clouds shade.

O Allah, bless the one who saw behind him as he saw in front of him.

O Allah, bless the sought-for intercessor on the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah, bless the possessor of humble supplication.

O Allah, bless the possessor of intercession.

O Allah, bless the possessor of the means of mediation.

O Allah, bless the possessor of pre-eminence.

O Allah, bless the possessor of the high rank.

O Allah, bless the possessor of the cudgel.

O Allah, bless the possessor of the two sandals.

O Allah, bless the possessor of the proof.

O Allah, bless the possessor of the decisive evidence.

O Allah, bless the possessor of authority.

O Allah, bless the possessor of the crown.

O Allah, bless the one who had the Mi'raj.

O Allah, bless the possessor of the staff.

O Allah, bless the rider of the noble camel.

O Allah, bless the rider of the Buraq.

O Allah, bless the one who passed through the seven heavens.

O Allah, bless the intercessor for all people.

O Allah, bless the one whose food glorified while in his hand.

O Allah, bless the one whom the palm trunk wept for and was sighed at being parted from him.

O Allah, bless the one from whose intercession was sought by the birds of the deserts.

O Allah, bless the one in whose hand the pebbles gave praise.

O Allah, bless the one whose intercession the gazelle sought with the most eloquent of words.

O Allah, bless the one to whom the lizards spoke in his assembly with his distinguished Companions.

O Allah, bless the bringer of good tidings, the Warner.

O Allah, bless the luminous lamp.

O Allah, bless the one to whom the camel complained.

O Allah, bless the one from whose fingertips pure water flowed forth.

O Allah, bless the pure and made pure one.

O Allah, bless the light of the lights.

O Allah, bless the one for whom the moon was split.

O Allah, bless the good agreeable one.

O Allah bless the near messenger.

O Allah, bless the radiant dawn.

O Allah, bless the piercing star.

O Allah, bless the firm handle.

O Allah, bless the Warner of the people of the earth.

O Allah, bless the intercessor on the Day of presentation.

O Allah, bless the one who lets people drink from the water basin.

O Allah, bless the possessor of the Banner of Praise.

O Allah, bless the one who rolled up his sleeves (to work).

O Allah, bless the one engaged in Your good pleasure to the very limit of striving.

O Allah, bless the Prophet, the Seal.

O Allah, bless the Messenger, the Seal.

O Allah, bless the chosen upright one.

O Allah bless Your Messenger Abu'l Qasim.

O Allah, bless the possessor of the Signs.

O Allah, bless the possessor of proofs.

O Allah, bless the possessor of indications.

O Allah, bless the possessor of karamat.

O Allah, bless the possessor of tokens.

O Allah, bless the possessor of clear signs.

O Allah, bless the possessor of miracles.

O Allah, bless the possessor of events which break the natural order.

O Allah, bless the one whom the stones greeted.

O Allah, bless the one before whom the trees prostrated themselves.

O Allah, bless the one from whose light the flowers were produced.

O Allah, bless the one by whose baraka the fruits are good.

O Allah, bless the one from the remainder of whose wudu' the trees were made green.

O Allah, bless the one from whose light all lights overflowed.

O Allah, bless the one by whose prayer burdens fall off.

O Allah, bless the one by whose prayer the degrees of the righteous are obtained.

O Allah, bless the one by whose prayer old and young are shown mercy.

O Allah, bless the one by whose prayer we have blessings in this abode and that abode.

O Allah, bless the one by whose prayer the mercy of the Almighty, the Forgiving is obtained.

O Allah, bless the victorious confirmed one.

O Allah, bless the extolled chosen one.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad.

O Allah, bless the one whom to the hem of whose cloak the wild animals would cling when he waked in the desolate deserts.

O Allah, bless him and his family and Companions and grant them abundant peace. Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

Beginning of the Second Quarter

Praise belongs to Allah for His forbearance after His knowledge and for His pardon after His power.

O Allah, I take refuge with You from poverty except in respect to You, and from abasement except to You and from fear except of You. I take refuge with You from speaking a lie or from committing iniquity or being misled by You, and I take refuge with You from the gloating of enemies, chronic disease, the disappointment of hope, the vanishing of blessing and the sudden revenge.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and grant him peace and reward him from us with what he deserves as Your beloved. (3 times)

O Allah, bless our master Ibrahim and grant him peace and reward him from us with what he deserves as Your friend. (3 times)

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as You blessed, showed mercy and gave blessings to Ibrahim in the worlds. You are Praiseworthy, Glorious, in quantity as great as Your creation and Your good pleasure and the weight of Your Throne and the ink of Your words.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as those who bless him.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as those who do not bless him.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in quantity as great as whatever is blessed

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad the double of whatever blesses him.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad as he deserves.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and You love and with which You are pleased.

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