We ask Allah for the good of it. There are five lessons here.
The first
lesson is that anyone who claims to be a shaykh without permission is
deluded, bewitched and cheated, and an evil end is feared for him. The gnostics
of Allah said that. It is part of what contains impudence towards Allah and
laying claim to being in intermediary between Allah and His servants and
claiming to act as a deputy for His Messengers in guidance.
The second
lesson is that it is not permitted to keep the company of a majdhub [one
who is enraptured by Divine attraction) who continues with this divine attraction
and does not return to the realisation of stations because he has no
responsibility and the person who is responsible might be wrenched from the
deen by that.
The third lesson
is that when a man does not act in accordance with the will of another,
it is not correct that he can move from passion, even if he goes to great
length in discipline and striving because of the great density of the veil
of his lower self. Furthermore,the murid must yearn to recognise his hidden
faults which are hidden from him, to seek them out and to look for them.
He must be concerned with them. It is, however, not possible for someone
to realise what his own faults are through himself because the human being
only sees himself as perfect.
See The Means of Uncovering the Faults of the Lower Self
The fourth
lesson is to mention the practices which expiate prior and later wrong
actions as it says in the Book of the Healing of the Sickness and Pains
by Muhammad ibn Ja'far al-Kittani al-Hasani. I will only mention the practices
themselves and not the evidence behind them. Whoever wants to learn the evidence
for them should read that book.
See The Practices which Expiate Wrong Actions
The fifth
lesson is to clarify the branches of faith which are referred to briefly
by Abu Hurayra who reports from the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant
him peace: "Faith consists of some sixty branches, and modesty is a branch
of faith.