XDVII. Mornings and evenings

573. What to say in the morning

1199. Abu Hurayra said, "In the morning, the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, would say, 'O Allah, We enter the morning by You and we enter the evening by You. We live by You and we die by You and to You is gathering.' In the evening, he would say, 'O Allah, we enter the evening by You and we enter the morning by You and we live by You and we die by You and to You is the return.'"

1200. Ibn 'Umar said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, did not omit saying the following words in the morning and evening: 'O Prophet, I ask you for well-being in this world and the Next. O Allah, I ask you for forgiveness and well-being in my deen and in this world and in my family and my property. O Allah, veil my faults and calm my fears. O Allah, give me protection in front of me and behind me, on my right and my left and above me. I seek refuge by Your might from being overwhelmed from under me.'"

1201. Maymuna, the wife of the Prophet, said, "I heard Anas ibn Malik say that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'Whoever days in the morning, "O Allah, we bear witness to you and we bear witness to the bearers of You Throne and Your angels and all Your creation. You are Allah. There is no god but You alone with no partner and Muhammad is your slave and Messenger", by that Allah will free a quarter of him from the Fire on that day. If someone says it twice, Allah will free half of him from the Fire. If he says it four times, Allah will free him completely from the Fire on that day.'"

574. What to say in the evening

1202. Abu Hurayra reported that Abu Bakr said, "Messenger of Allah, teach me something that I can say morning and evening." The Prophet said, "O Allah, Knower of the Unseen and the Visible, Creator of the heavens and the earth, everything is in Your hands. I testify that there is no god but You. I seek refuge with You from the evil of myself and the evil of shaytan and his (encouragement to) associate others (with You)." Say it in the morning and the evening and when you go to sleep."

1203. A similar report from Abu Hurayra in which he said, "The Lord of everything and its Master." He said, "The evil of shaytan and his encouragement to associate."

1204. Abu Rashid al-Hayrani said, "I came to 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar and asked him to relate to us what he had heard from the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. He handed me a paper and said, 'This is what the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, wrote for me.' I looked at it and it read: 'Abu Bakr as-Siddiq asked the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, "Messenger of Allah, teach me what to say in the mornings and evenings." He said, "Abu Bakr, say, 'O Allah, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the Knower of the Unseen and Visible. the Lord of all things and their Master. I seek refuge with You from the evil of shaytan and his encouragement to associate and that I bring evil on myself or bring it on another Muslim.'"'"

XDVIII. Sleeping and going to bed

575. What to say when you go to bed

1205. Hudhayfa said, "When the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, wanted to go to sleep, he said, 'By Your Name, O Allah, I die and live.' When he woke up, he said, 'Praise be to Allah who gave us life after He made us die, and to Him is the gathering.'"

1206. Anas said, "When the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, went to bed, he said, 'Praise be to Allah who has given us food and drink, and given us enough and given us refuge. How many people have neither enough nor refuge!'"

1207. Jabir said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, did not sleep until he had recited, 'Alif-Lam-Mim. The Sending-down' (32) and 'Blessed is the One in whose hand the kingdom is' (67).'"

Abu'z-Zubayr (the transmitter) observed, "They are better than every sura in the Qur'an to the amount of seventy good deeds. Anyone who recites them will have seventy good actions written for him, will be raised seventy degrees by it, and will have seventy errors falls from him."

1208. 'Abdullah said, "Going to sleep during dhikr comes from Shaytan. if you like, you can put it to the test. When one of you goes to bed and wants to go to sleep. he should mention Allah Almighty."

1209. Jabir said, "The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, did not go to sleep until he had recited 'Blessed' (67) and 'Alif-Lam-Mim. The Sending-down' (32)."

1210. Abu Hurayra said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'When one of you goes to bed, he should undo the inside of his lower garment and dust the bed with it. He does not know what has come on his bed since he left it. He should lie down on his right side and say, 'In Your Name I have laid down on my side. If You take my soul, then have mercy on it. If You release it, then preserve it in the manner in which You preserve the men of right action."

1211. Al-Bara' ibn 'Azib said, "When the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, went to bed, he laid down on his right side. Then he said, 'O Allah, I have turned my face to You and I have surrendered my self to You and I have committed my back to You out of fear and desire for You. There is no place of safety or refuge from You except with You. I have believed in Your book which You revealed and Your Prophet whom You sent.' He said, 'Whoever says it at night and then dies, dies in fitra (natural state).'"

1212. Abu Hurayra said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, used to say when he went to bed, 'O Allah, Lord of the heavens and the earth, and Lord of all things, Splitter of the grain and seeds, the One who sent down the Torah, the Gospel and the Qur'an! I seek refuge with You from every evil. You take by the forelock. You are the Outward, and there is nothing above You. You are the Inward and there is nothing below You. Pay my debts for me and keep me safe from poverty.'"

576. The excellence of making supplication when going to sleep

1213. See 1211.

1214. Jabir said, "When a man enters his house or goes to bed, an angel and shaytan hasten to him. The angel says, 'Seal it with good!' The Shaytan says, 'Seal it with evil.' If he praises Allah and remembers Him, he chases the shaytan away and spends the night with him guarding him. When he wakes up, the angel and shaytan hasten to him and say the same thing. If he mentions Allah and says, 'Praise be to Allah, who keeps firm hold of the heavens and earth, preventing them from vanishing away. And if they vanished no one could then keep hold of them. Certainly He is Most Forbearing, Ever-Forgiving.' (35:41) Praise be to Allah who holds back the sky preventing it from falling on the earth, except by His permission. Allah is All-Compassionate to mankind, Most Merciful .' (22:63) If he dies, he dies a martyr, If he gets up and prays, he prays in virtue.'"

577. Placing one's hand under his cheek

1215. Al-Bara' said, "When the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, wanted to go to sleep, he put his hand under his right cheek and said, 'O Allah, protect me from Your punishment on the Day you raise up Your slaves.'"

578. Chapter

1216. 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "If a Muslim man persists in two actions, he will enter the Garden. They are easy, but those who do them are few.' He was asked, 'What are they, may Allah bless him and grant him peace?' He said, 'That you say "Allahu akbar" ten times, "al-hamdu lillah" ten times, and "Subhana'llah" ten times after every prayer. That is 150 on the tongue and 1500 in the balance.' I saw the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, counting them with his hand. Then he said, 'When you go to bed, you should say, "Subhana'llah", "al-hamdu lillah", and "Allahu akbar". That is 100 on the tongue and 1000 in the balance. Who among you can do 2500 bad actions morning and night?' He was asked, 'Messenger of Allah, how is it that they are not counted?' He said, 'Shaytan comes to one of you while he is praying and reminds him of something he has to do such-and-such and such-and-such, so he does not remember to do it.'"

579. When someone gets up from his bed and then goes back to it, he should dust it

1217. Abu Hurayra reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "When one of you goes to bed, he should dust his bed with the inside of his lower garment. he should say, 'In the Name of Allah.' He does not know what might have come on it after he left it. If he wants to lie down, he should lie down on his right side and say, 'Glory be to You, my Lord, I have laid down on my side by You and I raise it up by You. If you take my soul, then forgive it. If you release it, then guard over it as You guard over Your righteous slaves.'"

580. What to say when you wake up in the night

1218. Rabi'a ibn Ka'b related, "I used to spend the night at the door of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and I would give him his wudu' water." He said, "After a long period of the night had passed, I heard him say, 'Allah hears whoever praises Him,' and I heard him say after a long period of the night had passed, 'Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.'"

581. Someone who goes to sleep with grease on his hand

1219. Ibn 'Abbas reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Whoever goes to sleep with grease on his hand before washing it off and is afflicted by something should not blame anyone except himself."

1220. Abu Hurayra reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Anyone who spends the night with grease on his hand and is afflicted by something should not blame anyone but himself."

582. Putting lamps out

1221. Jabir ibn 'Abdullah reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Lock the doors, tie the water-skins, turn over the vessels, cover the vessels, and put out the lamps. Shaytan does not open a locked door, nor untie a water-skin, nor uncover a vessel. A mouse can cause a house to burn down with its inhabitants inside it."

1222. Ibn 'Abbas said, "A mouse came and began to drag the wick. The slavegirl moved to stop it. The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'Leave it.' The mouse brought the wick and put it on the mat where he was sitting. It burned a hole in it the size of a dirham. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'When you go to sleep, put out the lights. Shaytan guides things like this and then they burn you.'"

1223. Abu Sa'id said, "The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, woke up one night and found that a mouse had taken the wick and climbed onto the roof with it to burn the house down over them. The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, cursed it and it became lawful to kill it in the Haram."

583. A fire should not be left burning in the house when people go to sleep

1224. Ibn 'Umar reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Do not leave the fire burning in your house when you go to sleep."

1225. 'Umar said, "Fire is an enemy, so beware of it." He used to go around an put out the fires of his family before he went to sleep at night.

1226. Ibn 'Umar heard the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, "Do not leave a fire burning in your houses. It is an enemy."

1227. Abu Musa said, "A house in Madina burned down with its inhabitants during the night. The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was informed about that and said, 'Fire is your enemy. When you go to sleep, put out the fires.'"

584. Seeing the Blessing of Rain

1228. Abu Mulayka related that when it rained, Ibn 'Abbas said, "Slavegirl! Bring out my saddle and bring my garment. Allah says, 'We sent down blessed water from the sky.' (50:9)"

585. Hanging up a whip in the room

1229. Ibn 'Abbas reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, commanded that whips be hung up in houses.

586. Locking the door at night

1230. Jabir ibn 'Abdullah said that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Beware of conversing after the night is still. None of you knows what creatures Allah will send, so lock your doors, tie up the water-skins, cover vessels and put out the lamps."

587. Bringing children inside when evening falls

1231. Jabir reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Keep children in until the evening has completely fallen. That time is the hour when the shaytans come out."

XDIX. Animals

588. Making animals fight each other

1232. It is reported from Mujahid that Ibn 'Umar disliked making animals fight each other.

589. The barking of dogs and braying of donkeys

1233. Jabir ibn 'Abdullah reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said "Do not go out often after the night is still. Allah has animals which he sends out. Anyone who hears the barking of a dog or the braying of a donkey should seek refuge with Allah from the Accursed Shaytan. They see what you do not see."

1234. Jabir ibn 'Abdullah reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "When you hear a dog barking or a donkey braying in the night, seek refuge with Allah. They see what you do not see. Shut the doors and mention the Name of Allah over them. Shaytan will not open a door which has been shut and had the name of Allah mentioned over it. Then cover the pots, tie the water-skins and cover the vessels."

1235. See previous two hadiths.

590. When you hear a cock

1236. Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "When you hear the crowing of a cock in the night, it has seen an angel. Ask Allah for its blessing. If you hear the braying of a donkey in the night, it has seen a shaytan, so seek refuge with Allah from shaytan."

591. Do not curse fleas

1237. Anas ibn Malik reported that a man cursed fleas in the presence of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Do not curse them. A flea woke up one of the Prophets for the prayer."

D. Midday Naps

592. Sleeping at Midday

1238. 'Umar said, "Sometimes some of the men of Quraysh sat at the door of Ibn Mas'ud. When the shadows shifted from west to east, he said, 'Get up, Any time spent here after this is for Shaytan.' He made everyone he passed by get up. While we were getting up, someone said to him, 'This is the mawla of the Banu'l-Hashas who composes poetry.' 'Umar called and said, 'What have you got to say?' The man said:

'Say farewell to Salma if you prepare to go in the morning,

       White hair and Islam is enough prohibition for a man'

'Umar said, 'Enough! You have spoken the truth. You have spoken the truth.'"

1239. As-Sa'ib ibn Yazid said, "'Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, used to pass by us in the middle of the day ­ or near to it ­ and say, 'Get up and take a midday nap. Any time spent here after this is for shaytan.'"

1240. Anas said, "They used to gather and then take a midday nap."

1241. Anas said, "At the time that wine was made unlawful, there was no drink that the people of Madina liked better than that made from dried dates and unripe dates. I used to give the drink to the Companions of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. They were in the home of Abu Talha when a man passed by and announced, 'Wine has been forbidden.' They did not say, 'When?' or 'Wait until we see.' They said, 'Anas, break them!' Then they said in the presence of Umm Sulaym, 'Wait until it becomes cool and we have washed ourselves.' Then Umm Sulaym put perfume on them. Then they went to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and the news was as the man had said."

Anas added, "After this they never drank it again."

593. Sleeping at the end of the day

1242. Khawwat ibn Jubayr said, "Sleeping during the beginning of the day is stupidity. Sleeping during the middle of the day is also stupidity, and sleeping at the last part of it is imbecility."

594. Banquet

1243. Maymun (ibn Mahran) said, "I asked Nafi', 'Did Ibn 'Umar ever invite people to a banquet?' He said, 'A camel of his once broke something and so we sacrificed it. Then Ibn 'Umar said, "Gather the people of Madina for me." I said, "Abu 'Abdu'r-Rahman, for what? We do not have any bread." He said, "O Allah, praise belongs to You. These are bits of meat and this is broth," or he said, "Broth and meat chunks. Whoever wishes can eat and whoever wishes can leave it."'"

DI. Circumcision

595. Circumcision

1244. Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Ibrahim, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was circumcised when he was eighty years old. He was circumcised with an axe (qadum)."

Abu 'Abdullah said that "qadum" refers to the name of a place (rather than an axe)."

596. Female circumcision

1245. An old woman from Kufa, the grandmother of 'Ali ibn Ghurab, reported that Umm al-Muhajir said, "I was captured with some girls from Byzantium. 'Uthman offered us Islam, but only myself and one other girl accepted Islam. 'Uthman said, 'Go and circumcise them and purify them.'"

597. Supplication during circumcision

1246. Salim said, "Ibn 'Umar, Nu'aym and I were circumcised and they sacrificed a ram on our behalf. I think that we were more happy about it than the other children since a ram had been sacrificed on our behlaf."

598. Diversion during circumcision

1247. Umm 'Alqama related that when the nieces of 'A'isha's brother were circumcised, 'A'isha was asked, "Shall we call someone to amuse them?" "Yes," she replied. 'Adi was sent for and he came to them. 'A'isha passed by the room and saw him singing and shaking his head in rapture ­ and he had a large head of hair. 'Uff!' she exclaimed, 'A shaytan! Get him out! Get him out!'"

599. The dhimmi's invitation

1248. Aslam, the client of 'Umar, said, "When we came to Syria with 'Umar ibn al-Khattab, the chief came to him, 'Amir al-Mu'minin, I have prepared some food for you and I would like you to bring some nobles with you. That will be a stronger and nobler action for me.' 'Umar said, 'We cannot enter these churches of yours with the images which are inside them.'"

600. Circumcising slavegirls

1249. See 1245.

601. Circumcision of an older person

1250. Abu Hurayra said, "Ibrahim, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was circumcised when he was 120 years old. Then he lived eighty years after that."

Sa'id ibn al-Musayyab said, "Ibrahim was the first to be circumcised, the first to give hospitality, the first to trim his moustache, the first to cut his nails and the first to get white hair. He said, 'O Lord, what is this?' 'Gravity,' Allah replied. Ibrahim said, 'O Lord, increase me in gravity!'"

1251. It is reported that al-Hasan said, "Are you not astonished by this man? (i.e. Malik ibn al-Mundhir) He went to some of the old people of Kaskar who had become Muslim and examined them and then commanded that they be circumcised although it was winter. I heard that some of them died. Greeks and Abyssinians became Muslim with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and they were not examined at all."

1252. Ibn Shihab said, "When a man became Muslim, he was ordered to have himself circumcised, even if he was old."

602. An invitation when a child is born

1253. Bilal ibn Ka'b al-'Ukki said, "We ­ Ibrahim ibn Adham, 'Abdu'l-'Aziz ibn Qarir, Musa ibn Yasar and I ­ visited Yahya ibn Hassan (al-Bakri al-Filistini) in his village. He brought us some food, but Musa held back because he was fasting. Yahya said, 'We had a man with the kunya of Abu Qursafa from the Banu Kinana who had been one of the Companions of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and he was in this mosque for forty years. He would fast one day and break the fast the next day, My father had a son born to him and he invited this man on the day that he was fasting and he broke his fast.' Ibrahim stood up and swept him with cloak and Musa broke his fast."

603. Rubbing a child's gums

1254. Anas said, "On the day he was born, I took 'Abdullah ibn Abi Talha to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. I found him wearing a woollen robe while he was marking one of his camels with tar. The Prophet said, 'Do you have any dates with you?' 'Yes,' I replied. I gave him some dates. He chewed the dates and opened the child's mouth and put some chewed dates into the child's mouth. The child licked his lips. The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'The Ansar love dates,' and gave him the name 'Abdullah."

604. Supplication at birth

1255. Mu'awiya ibn Qurra said, "When Iyas was born to me, I invited a group of the Companions of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and I fed them and they made supplication. I said, 'You have made supplication, so may Allah bless you for your supplication. If I make supplication, then you say, "Amen".' He went on, 'I made a lot of supplication for him for his deen, his intellect and things like that.' He added, 'I still recognise the supplication of that day in him."

605. The person who praises Allah when he is born if he is well-formed and is not concerned whether it is a boy or a girl

1256. Kathir ibn 'Ubayd said, "When someone in the family of 'A'isha had a child, she did not ask, 'Boy or girl?' She asked, 'Was he created well-formed?' If the answer was 'Yes,' she said, 'Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.'"

606. Shaving pubic hair

1257. Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Five things are included in the fitra: trimming the moustache, cutting the nails, shaving the public hair, plucking the armpits, and using the siwak (arak stick for cleaning the teeth)."

607. The time for cutting the nails and hair

1258. Nafi' reported that Ibn 'Umar used to trim his nails every fifteen days and shave his pubic hair every month.

DII. Betting and similar pastimes

608. Betting

1259. Ja'far ibn Abi'l-Mughira said, "Sa'id ibn Jubayr stayed with me and said tht Ibn 'Abbas related to me that he used to say, 'Where are those who play with gambling arrows for the slaughtered camel? They buy a camel with ten shares. Then they shuffle the arrows and it becomes nine shares and they continue until comes down to one share. The others lose their shares to the one share. That is gambling (arrow-shuffling).'"

1260. Ibn 'Umar said, "Arrow-shuffling is gambling."

609. Betting a cock

1261. Rabi'a ibn 'Abdullah ibn al-Hadir ibn 'Abdullah reported tht two men wagered two cocks in the time of 'Umar. 'Umar ordered that the cock be killed and a man of the Ansar said to him, "Will you kill a something which glorifies Allah?" So 'Umar left it.

610. Someone who says to his companion, "Come, I'll make a bet with you"

1262. Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "If any of you makes an oath and swears in his oath by al-Lat and al-'Uzza should say, 'There is no god but Allah.' If any of you tells him companion, 'Come on, I will make a bet with you' should give sadaqa."

611. Betting a pigeon

1263. Husayn ibn Mus'ab reported that someone told Abu Hurayra, "We wager two pigeons and we do not want for there to be a third unwagered pigeon between them so that the unwagered pigeon might take the winnings." Abu Hurayra said, "That is how children behave. You are at the point where you should abandon that."

612. Doing the camel-chant for women's camels

1264. It is related tht al-Bara' ibn Malik used to do the camel-chant for the men and Anjasha used to do the camel-chant for the women. He had a good voice and the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Anjasha, be gentle when you drive the glass-vessels."

613. Singing

1265. Ibn 'Abbas said that the words of Allah in Luqman (35:6), "There are people who trade in distracting tales" mean "singing and things like it."

1266. Al-Bara' ibn 'Azib reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Extend the greeting and you will be safe. The saw is evil."

Abu Mu'awiya (one of the transmitters) said, "The 'saw' is trivial pursuit.'"

1267. Salman al-Ilhani reported that Fadala ibn 'Ubayd was in a gathering. He heard that some people were playing backgammon. He got up in anger and forbade it in the strongest possible terms. Then he said, "Anyone who plays it in order to consume its winnings is like someone who eats pig meat and does wudu' with blood."

614. The person who does not greet backgammon players

1268. Al-Fadil ibn Muslim reported that his father said, "When 'Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, went out through the Bab al-Qasr, he saw some backgammon players. He took them and locked them up from morning to night. Some of them he only locked up for half the day. Those he locked up until night were those who used silver. Those he locked up for half the day were those who played it. He also commanded that they should not be greeted."

615. The wrong action of someone who plays backgammon

1269. Abu Musa al-Ash'ari reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Anyone who plays backgammon has rebelled against Allah and His Messenger."

1270. 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud said, "Beware of these two marked cubes. They should be forcibly prohibited. They are part of gambling."

1271. Burayda reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Someone who plays backgammon is like a person who puts his hand in the meat and blood of a pig."

1272. Abu Musa reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Anyone who plays backgammon has rebelled against Allah and His Messenger."

616. Manners and removing those who play backgammon and the people of trivial pursuits (ahl al-batil)

1273. Nafi' related that if 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar found any of his family playing backgammon, he would beat them and break the board.

1274. 'Alqama ibn Abi 'Alqama reported from his mother that 'A'isha, may Allah be pleased with her, heard that some people living in a room in her house had a backgammon game. She sent to them, saying, "If you do not remove it, I will evict you from my house." He censured them for playing that.

1275. Kulthum ibn Jabir said, "Ibn az-Zubayr addressed us and said, 'People of Makka, I have heard that there are men of Quraysh who play a game called backgammon. It is done with the left hand. Allah says, 'Wine and gambling.' (5:90) I swear by Allah that if anyone who plays it is brought before me, I will punish him in his hair and skin, and I will give his booty to the one who brings him to me."

1276. Ya'la ibn Murra reported that he heard Abu Hurayra speaking about someone who plays backgammon and bets on it, saying that he is like someone who eats pig meat and that the person who plays it without betting on it is like someone who washes his hands in pig's blood. The person who sits looking at it is like someone who looks at pig's meat.

1277. 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr ibn al-'As said, "Someone who plays dice for a bet is like a person who eats pig met. Someone who plays it without betting is like someone who washes his hands in pig's blood."

617. A believer is not harmed by the same stone twice

1278. Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "A believer is not hurt by the same stone twice."

618. Someone who shoots at night

1279. Abu Hurayra reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Anyone who shoots at night is not one of us."

[Abu 'Abdullah [i.e. al-Bukhari] noted, "There is something doubtful in its isnad.]

1280. Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Anyone who bears arms against us is not one of us."

1281. Same hadith as 1280, but from Abu Musa.

DIII. Various

619. When Allah wants to take the soul of one of His slaves in some land, he gives him a reason for going there

1282. Abu'l-Malih reported from one of his people (who was a Companion) that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "When Allah wants one of His slaves to die in some land, he makes him have a reason for going there."

620. The person who blows his nose in his garment

1283. Muhammad ibn Sirin related that Abu Hurayra blew his nose in his garment and then said, "Excellent! Excellent! Abu Hurayra blows his nose in cotton. You saw me lying prone between 'A'isha's room and the minbar when people said I was mad, but I was only hungry."

621. Whispering

1284. Abu Hurayra related, "Some people said, 'Messenger of Allah, we feel in ourselves something which we do not want to speak about and we have been in that state since sunrise.' He said, 'Have you really felt like that?' 'Yes,' they said. He said, 'That is clear belief.'"

1285. Shahr ibn Hawshab said, "I and my maternal aunt visited 'A'isha and said, 'Sometimes something occurs to one of us such that, if he had spoken about it, that would have been the end of his hopes for the Next World. If it were to be revealed, he would be killed for it.' She said the takbir three times and then said, 'The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was asked about that and said, "If that happens to one of you, he should say the takbir three times. Only a believer feels that.'"

1286. Anas ibn Malik said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'People will continue to ask about things that do not exist to such an extent that they will say, "Allah created everything, so who created Allah?"'"

622. Opinion

1287. Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Beware of opinion. Opinion is the most lying form of speech. Do not spy. Do not fight one another. Do not try to ensnare one another (in sales). Do not hate one another. Be slaves of Allah and brothers."

1288. Anas said, "While the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was with one of his wives, a man passed by and the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, called him and said, 'So-and-so, this is my wife so-and-so.' The man said, 'Whoever I might suspect, I would not suspect you!' The Prophet said, 'Shaytan flows in the son of Adam like blood flows.'"

1289. 'Abdullah said, "The person who has had something stolen from him continues to be suspicious until he is worse than the thief."

1290. Bilal ibn Sa'd al-Ash'ari related that Mu'awiya wrote to Abu Dharr, "Write down for me the deviants of Damascus." Abu Dharr said, "What do I have to do with the deviants of Damascus and how would I know them?" His son Bilal said, "I will write them," so he wrote them. Abu Dharr said, "How do you know? You would only know that they are deviants if you were one of them. Begin with yourself and do not send their names."

623. The slavegirl and wife shaving the husband

1291. 'Abdul-'Aziz ibn Qays said, "I visited 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar while a slavegirl was shaving his hair." He said, "The lime depilatory makes the skin supple."

624. Plucking the armpits

1292. Abu Hurayra reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "The fitra consists of five: circumcision, shaving the pubic hair, plucking the armpits, clipping the moustache and clipping the moustache."

1293. As 1292 but a different order.

1294. Similar to 1292.

625. Good contract

1295. Abu't-Tufayl reported, "I saw the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, divide the meat at al-Ji'rana. At that time, I was a boy who carried the joint of the camel (after it had been sacrificed). A woman came to him and he spread out his robe for her. I asked, 'Who is this?' The reply was, 'This is the woman who suckled him.'"

626. Recognition

1296. Al-Mughira ibn Shu'ba reported that a man said, "May Allah make the amir thrive! Your chamberlain recognises certain men and gives them preference in permission to enter." He said, "May Allah excuse him! Recognition helps with a voracious good and attacking camel."

627. Children playing with nuts

1297. Ibrahim said, "Our companions used to allow us all sorts of play things except for dogs."

(Abu 'Abdullah said that he meant the children.)

1298. Abu 'Uqba said, "I once walked along the road with Ibn 'Umar. I passed some Abyssinian lads who were playing and he brought out two dirhams which he gave to them."

1299. 'A'isha reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, used to call her companions to her who were playing with dolls."

628. Sacrificing pigeons

1300. Abu Hurayra said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, saw a man following a dove and said, 'A shaytan following a shaytan.'"

1301. Al-Hasan said, "'Uthman did not speak on any Jumu'a without commanding the killing of dogs and slaughtering of doves."

629. Someone who has a need is the person most entitled to go out for it

1302. Zayd ibn Thabit reported that 'Umar ibn al-Khattab came to him to ask to see him one day and he gave him permission while his head was in the hands of a slavegirl of his who was combing his hair. He removed his head and 'Umar said to him, 'Let her comb it.' He said, 'Amir al-Mu'minin, if you were to send for me, I would come to you.' ''Umar said, 'It is my need.'"

630. When someone spits when he is with people

1303. Abu Hurayra said, "When someone spits in the presence of people, let him catch it with his palms so that his spit does not fall on the ground. When he fasts, he should oil his palm so that the trace of the fast is not seen on him."

631. When a man speaks to people, he does not turn to one particular person

1304. Habib ibn Abi Thabit said, "When a man spoke, they used to like that he not turn to one particular man, but rather he should address everyone."

DIV. Aspects of Behaviour

632. Excess looking

1305. Ibn Abi'l-Hudhayl said, "Messenger of Allah visited a man with one of his companions. When he entered the house, his companion began to look around. 'Abdullah told him, 'By Allah, it would have been better for you if your eyes had been gouged out."

1306. Nafi' reported that a group of the people of Iraq visited Ibn 'Umar. They saw a gold crown on one of their servants and looked at one another. He remarked, "How quick you are to see evil!"

633. Excess words

1307. Abu Hurayra said, "There is no good in excess words."

1308. Abu Hurayra reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "The worst of my community are those who speak a lot, those who are diffuse in speech and those who fill their mouth with words. The best of my community are the best of them in character."

634. The two-faced

1309. Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "The worst person is someone who is two-faced. He is the person who comes to one group of people with one face and another group of people with another face."

635. The wrong action of the two-faced

1310. 'Ammar ibn Yasir said, "I heard the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, "The person who has two faces in this world will have two tongues of the Fire on the Day of Rising.' He passed by a stout man and said, 'This is one of them.'"

636. The worst person is the one from whose evil one must be on guard

1311. 'Urwa ibn az-Zubayr heard 'A'isha say, "A man asked permission to visit the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and the Prophet said, 'Give him permission. He is an evil brother of his tribe.' When he entered he spoke kindly to him. I said, 'Messenger of Allah, you said what you said and then you spoke kindly to him.' He replied, 'Yes, 'A'isha. The worst of people is the one people leave alone fearing his coarseness.'"

637. Modesty

1312. 'Imran ibn Husayn said, "The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Modesty brings nothing but good." Bashir ibn Ka'b said, "It is written in books of wisdom, 'From modesty comes gravity. From modesty comes tranquillity.''" 'Imran said, "I relate to you from the Messenger of Allah and you then relate to me from some page!"

1313. Ibn 'Umar said, "Modesty and belief are together. If one of them is removed, the other is removed."

638. Coarseness

1314. Abu Bakra reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Modesty is part of belief. Belief is in the Garden. Foul language is part of coarseness and coarseness is in the Fire."

1315. Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyya said, "The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, had a large head and large eyes. When he walked, he bent forward as if he was walking up a hill. When he turned around, he turned completely."

639. If someone is not shy, let him do whatever he likes

1316. Abu Mas'ud said, "The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Part of what people know of the words of first prophethood is that if someone is not shy, he can do whatever he likes."

DV. Anger

640. Anger

1317. Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "The person who is strong is not strong because he can knock people down. The person who is strong is the one who controls himself when he is angry."

1318. Ibn 'Umar said, "There is nothing that is swallowed greater with Allah in reward than a slave of Allah who swallows and contains his rancour out of desire for the pleasure of Allah."

641. What to say in anger

1319. Sulayman ibn Surad said, "Two men abused one another in the presence of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and one of them began to get angry and his face got red. The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, looked at him and said, 'I know some words that, if he says them, will remove this from him. They are: "I seek refuge with Allah from the Accursed Shaytan."' The man went to that man and said, 'Do you know what he said? He said, "I seek refuge with Allah from the Accursed Shaytan."' The man retorted. 'Do you think me mad?'"

1319. (sic) Another variant of 1319.

642. A person should remain silent when he is angry

1320. Ibn 'Abbas said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, ' Teach and make it easy. Teach and make it easy.' three times. He went on, 'When you are angry, be silent' twice."

643. Loving the one you love is an easy matter

1321. 'Ali was heard to say to Ibn al-Kawwa', "Do you know what the first one said? 'Loving the one you love is an easy matter. It may be that one day he will be the one you hate. Hating the one who hate is an easy matter, It may be that one day he will be the one you hate.'"

644. Do not let your anger be destruction

1322. Aslam said, " 'Umar ibn al-Khattab said, 'Do not let your love be a total infatuation. Do not let your anger be destruction.' I asked, 'How is that?' He replied, 'When you love, you are infatuated like a child. When you hate, you desire destruction for your companion.'"

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